Kelly Time

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Casey Headquarters – 26th Floor: Casey Penthouse Kitchen
He ended up having to move Gabby, because he couldn't stay where he was; at least, not anymore. And that was due to the fact that he had something to do. And that was make something for them to have for supper, which he knows that Gabby is going to want to have; heck, that she needs to have. He knows his wife better than anybody, and he knows that she eats a lot when she's sad. And that's something that he can make sure that she gets a chance to do, because he's going to make her something nice; okay, who are we kidding? He's making something easy, because it also allows him to practice for when he has to make supper for their kids in the future. And just what might he be making? Well, that would be kraft dinner. He wants to be able to get something quick, and then just make his way back upstairs. But what he didn't expect, was that he would get a quick visit from somebody; somebody who sure is glad that he isn't just wearing his boxers. "Are you really making mac 'n cheese?" Turning around, Matt was shocked as he heard Kelly.

"What, how..." Kelly laughed. "22739. Real original passcode." Matt laughed as he heard Kelly say that, before making his way over to her; after which, he proceeded to go hug him. "How are you doing?" Matt sighed as he heard Kelly say that, because he can obviously tell that he isn't doing the best. "It's touch and go. I just brought her upstairs, and she's sleeping; so if you wake her up, then I am not responsible for what hell she brings on you." Kelly laughed as he heard Matt say that. "Sorry I came up without calling." Matt shook his head. "No, it's fine; I'm glad that you're here, gives me someone else to talk to." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that, before going to make his way over to the island. "That, and you want to get the memories of Fifty Shades of Grey out of your mind." Matt groaned as he heard Kelly say that, until he realized something; how in the world did he know that he was just watching Fifty Shades Freed? Turning to face him, Matt just looked at him before deciding to do something. Walking over to the stairs, Matt went to tell upstairs.

"GABBY?" Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that. "WHAT ARE YOU MAKING FOR SUPPER MATT?" Matt smiled. "MAC N' CHEESE. THAT OKAY?" Gabby agreed. "SURE. EASY. BY THE WAY KELLY, DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO MY HUSBAND ABOUT HOW YOU FORGOT TO CHANGE THEM FOR THE PAST SIX HOURS AND THAT'S THE REAL REASON WHY YOU'RE HERE!" Matt turned to look at Kelly as he heard his wife say that. "GABBY, I GOT HIM. JUST TAKE A BREATH AND WATCH YOUR SOAP OPERA. OR AT LEAST MOST OF IT." Gabby laughed. "PROMISE." Matt then laughed and shook his head, glad that was the case; after which, he turned his head and looked at his friend again. "God, you're so happy that I'm here." Matt then smiled as he proceeded to grab the pasta that he was going to put in the pot, before going to pour it in; after all, that was where it belongs. He needs to make sure that they cook for the right amount of time, and he wants it to be enough for his wife. He then decided to make his way over to his fridge. "So, somebody is in trouble with the wife?"

Kelly looked at Matt as he said that, before taking a breath. "Yeah, I forgot to change them for the past six hours." Matt agreed with Kelly as he said that, before shaking his head. "Seriously man? Please don't tell me that it was Kyle." Kelly gulped as Matt said that, well aware of what he was talking about. "You're kidding me. Seriously man! You forgot to change Kyle ANDREW's diaper for six hours. God, I am so ashamed to call you my friend; and Andy would be so disappointed in you!" Kelly laughed as he heard Matt say that, well aware that was the case. "Yeah, I know what you mean." Going to walk over to the water, Matt proceeded to grab the salt and just went to put some in; and that was due to the fact that Gabby likes having a bit of salt in the water, not that he really understands why. That's when Kelly heard his phone ding and decided to check it; not that he has a choice, especially when it's from a certain person. More specifically, it's from the co-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors. 'Can you talk to Matt about the news? Partial miscarriage?'

Taking a breath, Kelly agreed with Gabby before texting her back; that way, he could let her know that he would talk to him about it. 'I'm going to talk to him about it right now, I promise. Sorry about that BTW. This is sad news, and I'll make sure he's okay.' Taking a breath as he went to set his phone down, Kelly looked up before hearing Matt speak to him. "Let me guess, Stella is starting to regret letting you leave?" Kelly shook his head as Matt said that. "Actually, I just got a text from your wife." Matt agreed with Kelly when he said that, well aware of the reason why Gabby just texted him; and what she wanted them to talk about, because that was something that he needs to talk about with his best friend. "So, how are you doing?" Matt sighed as he looked at Kelly. "What can I say? It's sad." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that. "Another baby." Matt agreed as Kelly as he said that. "I mean, I know that I'm not dealing with it as bad as Gabby is." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware of what he was talking about. "I know, I remember that feeling."

Matt sighed as he looked at his best friend, well aware that he and Stella had to deal with a miscarriage early in their marriage. "I swear, it's just hard to deal with; and there's so much worry when it comes to it." Kelly was confused as he heard Matt say that, unsure when it comes to him saying that he's worrying. "What are you so worried about?" Matt took a breath as he looked at Kelly because he hasn't said it yet. "I mean, I have so many questions that I need to send to Natalie; and I need to ask her what effect the baby can have on the other kids, and whether that can be something that can be changed. And of course, me and Gabby were also thinking about doing a home birth this time around; but now, we can't because we have to do a stupid D&C at the same time as Gabby gives birth to our daughters." Kelly looked at Matt when he said that, before smiling. "I don't remember anybody telling me that us that you're having daughters." Matt smiled as he heard Kelly say that, as he was thrilled over the fact that he was getting twin girls.

"Honestly, I was so happy that we're having daughters; especially since I know that this is the last time that Gabby is getting pregnant." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that. "I can't say that I blame her." Matt agreed with Kelly as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I mean, I don't blame her either; it's just so tiring and I think Gabby is going to love how we can be so free." Kelly laughed as he heard Matt say that, well aware that was the case. "I have to say, you are probably going to love it too; getting to take advantage of the Hawaii weather, see your wife in a bikini again." Matt smirked as he heard Kelly say that, as that most definitely is something that he's excited for. "Okay, I most definitely do like the sound of that." Kelly agreed with Matt, smirking as he said that; after all, what's better than the idea of your wife in a bikini? "We both know that we're all going to have to have a beach day with both of our families." Matt agreed with Kelly when he said that, before smiling. "Definitely, and we will." Kelly agreed. "So, can I talk business while I'm...."

Gabby then yelled when she heard Kelly say that. "MATTHEW, IF YOU SPEAK BUSINESS; THEN YOU'RE STUCK IN YOUR SWEATS COMPARED TO WHAT I'M WEARING." Matt just shut up when he said that, before turning to look at Kelly. "You hear that? You screw that up for me, and you're stuck going to Chicago for that meeting at the end of the month; rather than me having to send our sales representatives from Chicago to go to that meeting." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that, before going to speak back to him. "Yeah, because you're going to make my wife mad; and then hear about it from your pregnant, hormonal wife." Hearing that, Gabby yelled down. "KELLY SEVERIDE, SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT I DO AND DON'T DO WITH MY HUSBAND IN BED!" Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before agreeing with his best friend; that was, until he heard Gabby come downstairs. "I swear, you guys are both ridiculous." Turning to look at Gabby as she said that, Matt smiled as he looked at her as she came down in some nice satin pajamas. "Hey, where did you buy those?" Gabby smiled. "Victoria's Secret. But I just want to say hi to Kelly quickly."

Kelly agreed as he got up, before walking over to Gabby so that he can hug her. "I'm so sorry about the news that you guys got, and I know that I send my wishes from Stella." Gabby agreed with Kelly, hugging him. "Of course. By the way, go ahead and talk business. I know you want to talk to him about something Matt." Gabby then proceeded to go set some papers that she just found in his side table on the counter. Looking down, Matt took a breath as he knew that was something that he's yet to talk to Gabby about. "I wasn't sure when to bring it up." Gabby smiled. "Let's just have supper, and then we can go talk about it in bed." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware of what she was trying to tell him. "Of course, babe." Matt then took a breath, looking at his best friend. "Can you..." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that. "Of course, I promise." He then proceeded to get up, and smiled as he turned around to look at Gabby. "I hope you feel better Gabby." Gabby agreed with Kelly as he said that, wanting the same thing.

After which, Matt looked at his best friend. "How about I let you out? Then I'll finish supper for us Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Can we just eat, then we can go back upstairs?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him that, because that was exactly what he wanted to do as well; he wants to eat, and then he wants to go upstairs so that they can relax.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now