Holy Hot Mama!

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Walking over to her sister-in-law after being called a "holy hot mama", Gabby Casey smiled due to the fact that it's been a while since she saw Christie; and that was something that was not good, because she wants to see her around more often than just when they have business meetings. "You missy need to start coming around more often, and not just when we have meetings together." Christie agreed with her sister-in-law as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I just hate that the boys aren't already awake." Gabby agreed with Christie as she said that, before going to walk over to the other chair that they have there so that she can sit down. And lucky for her, she can actually sit down in this dress. "You want some tea or anything Gabby?" Turning her head to look at her husband, Gabby smiled at him as he said that. "I will take some tea, but shouldn't you be taking Andy out to go to the washroom?" Matt then realized that, and agreed with the woman he loves. "Right, and I can do that since my mom's making breakfast."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before watching as he made his way over to her; after which, she smiled while watching him lean over her. "But I will be back before breakfast, so wait for me to eat?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she proceeded to put her hands on his face; after which, she kissed him softly. "I love you. Now, go take Andy out so that he doesn't go in my house." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, before kissing her forehead softly; after which, he looked at his sister. "Make sure that things stay calm, I don't want to have to kick you out." Christie laughed as she heard her brother say that. "Yeah, keep talking; especially when I want to buy a share in the company." Matt laughed. "Christie, I would love you it if you waited; at least give me a year to make sure that the company is a success, so that I am just playing with my fortune right now." Christie smiled as she heard her brother say that. "Thanks for thinking about that. I just wish you offered me one of the penthouses."

Matt just looked at his sister as she said that. "Christie, you have money to buy a house here in Hawaii; my friends who moved here from Chicago, they didn't. Somehow my friend Jay was able to, but that isn't the case for all of them. Remember, the twenty-third through twenty-sixth floor are residences; with me and Gabby's mom living on the twenty-fifth floor, together." Turning around, Matt smiled as he looked at his mom. "How's that going anyways? No problems, right mom?" That's when Matt heard Camila come downstairs from the twenty-seventh floor. "Oh, things are more than okay in our condo Matthew." Turning her head, Gabby was a bit taken aback that her mom was here; but she was still happy that was the case, as she got up so that she could go hug her this morning. "Mom, when did you get here?" Camila smiled as she made her way over to her daughter, before moving to hug her. "I got here around twenty minutes ago, and I promise that I've been quiet." Matt agreed with Camila, walking over to her.

After which, he smiled as he went ahead and hugged his mother-in-law before kissing her cheek. "Buenos dias Camila." Gabby then realized that she didn't say that to her mom. "Right, buenos dias mama." Camila agreed with both her daughter, as well as her son-in-law as they both said good morning to her. "It's okay Gabby, just relax." Turning her head, Camila smiled as she looked at her Yerno. "Matthew, how about you go take care of Andy?" Matt agreed with Camila as she said that, before looking at Gabby. "Be back soon babe, remember to breathe." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before watching as he proceeded to walk away so that he can go take him out to the washroom. "Oh, you going to the top floor, or outside?" Matt smiled. "Top floor." Gabby agreed; however, Christie was confused. "Top floor? The roof?" Matt smiled. "We have artificial turf up there for when I need to take Andy out." Christie agreed with Matt as he said that. "By the way, I forgot to mention...my pass key still doesn't work for the pool."

Shocked as he heard his sister say that, Matt just agreed. "Okay, well I will have to send an e-mail to the security team to fix that. Or actually, just go to them; they know that you're my sister, and that you should have access to the family amenities." Christie agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case. "I am going to do that today." Matt smiled when he heard his sister tell him that, before looking at Gabby. "Listen, I need to take him out." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Just go so that you can be back when your mom is done making breakfast." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, before going to walk away with Andy so that he can take him to the washroom; leaving all of the females in the family alone, as he was now outside with Andy.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now