Let Work Begin, Part One

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter that I wrote for you guys today? I hope that you guys liked it, because I would really like to know what you guys thought about it; especially when it comes to whether you want to see some of those things happen. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to see what you guys think of that chapter; and any chapter that you guys want to give me feedback on. But for now, I am going to concentrate on writing this chapter. Here we go with today's second chapter.

They just finished enjoying a nice breakfast with their family, all of them, Matt's mom, sister, Gabby's mom, brother, and niece. And let's just say that Gabby was glad that was the case, because she loves spending time with their family; but that didn't mean that she liked saying goodbye to some of their family, especially when those members of their family are their sons. Because that's who Gabby is currently in the midst of saying goodbye to. Her baby boys: Matteo and Noah. And let's just say that Noah is really happy that his mommy is currently holding him in her arms, especially as she gives him soft kisses on his cheek. "Yes, you like the feeling of mommy kissing your cheek, don't you Noah?" Laughing a bit, Noah then flashed a smile to his mommy; whom he loves more than anything in the entire world. After all, that's exactly what they both want right now. They want to get some quick kisses from their mommy, while their daddy gets some things ready; more specifically, Matt was in the midst of getting Andy ready to go. "Andy, here boy." Turning his head as he heard Matt say that, Andy made his way over to Matt so that he can get his vest and leach on; because it's his routine.

At the same time, Matt smiled as he bent down and then proceeded to open the vest which he has to put on Andy; not that it was going to be an easy task, as Andy is quite excited at the moment. He's always excited when he gets a chance to go out with Matt. "Ah, sit. Sit Andy. Calm." Agreeing with his master, Andy sat down like he was told; after which, Matt smiled as he proceeded to put his vest on for him. The vest that he needs to wear, so that people can know that he's a service dog; not that people don't already know that Matt has a service dog, as they've all seen him walk around with Andy. But still, there are times where he's worried that something is going to happen; something which his wife and sister are aware of and are going to make sure that nobody touches the dog. "I hope you know that I plan on protecting that dog with my life. Nobody is going to touch that little guy." Looking up at Christie, Matt agreed with her as she said that; well aware that was the case, because she's told him that before. "Oh, I am well aware that's the case. Both you and Gabby have spoken to me about that." Moving to give Noah to her mother, Gabby turned around as she heard her name.

"And all of the employees know that they are not to touch them, as it's in the manual; and the same goes for Jay's service dog." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling due to the fact that she was glad that he set that up for them. "I think we both know that's exactly what we're both going to do, and that we're going to protect the dogs from anybody else." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before watching as she made her way over to him; after which, he extended his hand so that Gabby can grab it (which she did). Grabbing his hand, Gabby smiled as she got close to the man of her dreams and then put her hand on his chest; at the same time, Matt wrapped his arm around her waist and smirked as he brought his gorgeous wife close to him. Putting her hand on his cheek after getting close to Matt, Gabby smiled as she leaned in and then proceeded to kiss the man she loves softly. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, before kissing her softly; after which, both he and Gabby turned their attentions back to their families (with Matt stepping close to her from behind and wrapping his arms around her). And let's say that Gabby really liked that feeling.

So much so, that she put her hands on his and whispered to him. "God, I love this feeling." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before turning his head and kissing the side of her head. "Good, because that's exactly what I want." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before watching as her brother walked over to them. "I can only assume that you guys are going to be this disgusting the entire time." Looking at her brother as he said that, Gabby pushed him as he got close. "Shut up." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling. "So, which is the order of meetings?" Matt sighed. "You aren't until three." That's when Matt remembered something, before turning his head and looking at Gabby. "You know, you have no need to come down yet; because I can take care of the first meeting myself." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that. "No, I want to come. I need to get out of the house without the kids. Maybe I can go to my office, or I can be there as you speak to Rafael." And it was just then that Matt heard his phone ding, which prompted him to let Gabby go; after which, he reached into his jacket pocket and went to see that it was.

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