Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 2A

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys, but I went out for a bit as it is such a gorgeous day here. But now that I'm back, I'm ready to cross the 900,000-word milestone. God, I can't wait until this story hits 1 million words, because that really is going to be a treat. But for now, I am just going to keep going with this nice journey that we're on. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to see where this story keeps going; hopefully, we can get back to business soon. But I just like writing this business stuff too. I can't explain why, but I just like it. Okay, now I'm going to just get to it; here's Chapter Two Hundred and Nine.

He ended up regretting not changing out of his jeans once he and Alex were in bed with each other, because he was not comfortable; and that was not just due to the fact that he still had his phone and wallet in his pocket, because he did. So, he ended up having to get up out of bed so that he can take them out of his pockets. Grabbing his phone from his pocket to do just that, Jay proceeded to set it down on his charger (while also grabbing his wallet at the same time); after which, he went ahead and set it down on his side table as well. After which, Jay felt some hands on his back this afternoon. More specifically, his beautiful wife's hand. Turning around to look at her, Jay smiled as she just looked so damn sexy as she sat there in her lingerie. "Are you sure that you want to do this?" Jay agreed with Alex as she asked him whether he wanted to do this, as he most definitely does want to do this; he wants to change out of his jeans and put something comfortable. You know me, I like being comfortable when I'm with the twins." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, smiling at the man she loves more. "And with me, as we hold each other close in bed of course." Jay agreed with Alex.

"Don't lie and say that you don't like the idea of me sitting in bed with you in my boxers, because you always like that feeling." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "Maybe you can at least keep your nice shirt out? That way, we can have it for nice pictures." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as that was a good idea. After which, Jay walked over to his dresser. He then went ahead and found the shirt that he just took off. Picking it up, Jay then proceeded to make his way back over to his closet; however, that just confused Alex as she wasn't sure just why her husband was on his way to his closet. "Why are you going to the closet bae?" Turning to look at Alex, Jay smiled as he went to grab one of his hangers. "I'm just grabbing a hanger so that they aren't any creases or wrinkles in my shirt." Alex took a breath as she heard Jay say that. "Maybe you just keep your jeans out too, you can wear them again for the pictures. Sweats is just too casual, plus they show you off too much." Jay smirked as he heard Alex say that, before carrying his shirt over to his dresser; after which, he proceeded to hang it up on his dresser (where it needs to be at the moment, so that it stays clean).

After which, Jay returned to his hamper so that he could grab the jeans that he was just wearing; that way, he could wear them again after he and Alex are done having some intimate time with each other in bed. "I just hope you know that you aren't putting that dress on again, because I really want you to relax. Heck, maybe I should just put a t-shirt on; something that we can get dirty." Alex thought about what Jay said, before smiling as that most definitely is a good idea. "I like that idea, especially since it's something that only a dad would think about." Turning his head, Jay agreed with Alex; smiling at her, Jay then decided to make his way over to their bed so that he can give his gorgeous wife a kiss. After all, that's what they both wanted him to do right now. They wanted him to lean over her and kiss her softly; and boy is Alex glad that he just leaned over her and went ahead and kissed her. Moving her hand to his neck, Alex smirked as she leaned in and proceeded to take things nice and slow with the man she loves, her husband Jay Halstead. "God, I love you so much; and I am so proud to be your wife." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, feeling the same way about his sexy wife.

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