Bad Dreams, Part One

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Hi Readers: Seems like I'm a bit ahead of schedule when it comes to the number of chapters that I've already posted today. Now, I just want to address something before I continue. I know that I am posting a couple chapters here and there with the staff, but that's just because I have ideas for the chapters; I'm not sure what's going to happen when it comes to those characters that I have already introduced, and whether I am going to just make them have long storylines...or whether I am going to try and concentrate some more on the One Chicago couples. But I think I am just going to keep going with what I'm doing, because it seems to be working (in my opinion). Let me know what you guys want me to do, and whether you like these small glimpses into the staff; or whether you'd like me to stick more to the One Chicago couples, because I'd love to head from you guys. Now, let's get back to the Caseys.

Casey Home – She was already awake, and in the shower before he had a chance to wake up; to wake up with her in his arms, as they held each other close in bed. But was it really a surprise as to why Matt woke up alone in bed? Well, of course not; and we all know the reason why, it's because Gabby's awake...and there has to be a reason for that, which is related to the entire reason that he and Gabby are currently alone; the loss that they've suffered recently, the loss of the baby boy they were expecting. Or at least, they may have been expecting, which is why Gabby has been acting abnormal recently, and praying that Matt hasn't noticed. But the truth was, Matt did notice; can you really expect him not to notice? This is Matt after all, the man who loves her more than anything in the entire world. If there was anybody who would notice that she was off, it would be him of all people; and that's why Matt was here right now, walking into their bathroom to the sight of his wife being naked in the shower. And god did she look really sexy, and it turned him on.

So, that was why Matt was here; so that he could be with her, and just hold the woman he loves close to him. And he hopes that would make her feel better, him being in the shower with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; while he runs his hands all over her body and washes her. I mean, that's if she wants him to wash her. If she doesn't want Matt to wash her, then he'll understand and let her be...but he can't help but think that there's a reason why he's here with her right now. And that reason would be that God wants him to get in the shower with Gabby, hold her in his arms, and wash her. So, that's exactly what Matt plans on doing right now; getting in the shower with his gorgeous, pregnant with. Then, they would hold each other close and just relax with each other. And not just hold each other here in the shower, but in bed too. Because that's where Gabby is going to want to spend their day, she's going to want to be in bed with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world, holding him close today.

But first, Matt is going to hold her in the shower; and he's going to give her a bunch of kisses, which is something that Gabby most definitely wants. I mean, what wife wouldn't want her husband to kiss her while they're mourning together? Well, that's something that Gabby does want; and she wants it right now, especially since she just felt Matt join her in the shower. Moving his hands to Gabby's hips as soon as he stepped into the shower behind her, Matt smiled as he was glad to be in here with her; after which, he wrapped his arms around her and then bent down to kiss her neck softly. At the same time, Gabby moved her hands to his arms; smiling, she was really happy over the fact that Matt was there with her. God, the way they hold each other close is really nice; they are both always really happy to be with each other and are just ready to do this right now. Another thing that Gabby's ready to do, is speak to her loving husband for the first time this morning. "Hi." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, hearing some joy.

"I can only imagine that you're happy to feel me in the shower with you?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was happy to have him in the shower, which she most definitely was (especially since she needed his arms around her right now), after the bad dream that she had the night before. Turning around in Matt's arms, Gabby cuddled up to him and then wrapped her arms around his back. And let's just say that was very comfortable, and she was quite happy that this is how she was starting her day. Wrapping his arms around Gabby, Matt looked down into her eyes and just smiled at her. After which, he bent down and started to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; he just hopes that this helps, helps make her feel better. And the truth was, Matt kissing her does make her feel better; it will always make her feel better, because this is exactly what she wants (and needs) right now. She needs to be held by the man she loves, and she needs to feel better today. "How are you doing?"

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