Morning Phone Calls and E-mails

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Hi Readers: I just wanted to let you guys know ahead of time that yes, there was a previous chapter 241 in this story. However, I have decided to change things; because I realized that I did things wrong and did things that are out of Matt's character. Most notably, I didn't have him wake up with Gabby and help her get ready. So, that's what I'm going to do in this chapter. Thanks for reading.

Casey Headquarters – 27th Floor: Living Room, Casey Penthouse
It was only seven in the morning, but he was wide awake; wide awake, ahead of his busy day of meetings. The meetings that he needs to have with many people, including some of his senior executives: the Vice-Chairman of the Board and Senior Deputy CEO Rafael Solano at nine, the entire board of directors at ten, Gabby and Stella for ELLA at eleven. But hey, at least he has a break after the meeting; a break that was going to include having a bit of time with Gabby and the boys, ahead of some more meetings this afternoon. And that was actually one of the reasons why Matt wasn't in bed at the moment, because he needs to talk to somebody; more specifically, he needs to talk to his personal assistant Jacob he was the man who made his schedule, which needed to be amended. And that was due to the fact that the meeting he was scheduled to have with Gabby and Stella was originally planned for the afternoon, but he's going to change that just as soon as Jacob goes through the entire schedule, which he's doing right now.

"Okay, so at nine you're meeting with Rafael, your Seni..." Interrupting his assistant, Matt didn't need to hear that; and that was due to the fact that he knew just who he was, as he was the one who appointed him to the position. "I already know his position Jacob; you have no need to tell me the positions." Jacob agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Right, my apologies Mr. Casey." Matt agreed with Jacob as he said that. "It's okay, just take a breath and relax. I know that this is all new, and we are still starting fresh; I mean, we've only been in business for less than a year." Jacob agreed with Matt as he said that. "And I can't believe that this is where we are in the company, because we have made a bunch of progress over the year." Matt agreed with Jacob as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Yes, and that's why I need to have more board meetings; as well as some meetings with my executives." Jacob laughed, agreeing with his boss. "Just great, some more work for me to do." Matt agreed with his personal assistant.

"Jacob, may I remind you that your job is just being my assistant; you don't have kids yet, which is the entire reason why I hired you in the first place...because you can dedicate yourself to this job." Jacob agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Well, I am warning you right now; that might not be the case in a couple years. I've been meaning to talk to you, but I've decided to propose to Celeste this coming Christmas." Matt was a bit confused as he heard that name because he thought that he recognized that name. "Sorry, why do I recognize that name?" Jacob snickered. "Celeste is the Vice-President and Deputy Chief Marketing Officer for ELLA Creations." Matt then realized that. "God, now I recognize the name; I am so sorry about that, I really do mean that." Jacob laughed, before going to tell his boss that it's okay. "Mr. Casey, it's okay. I promise, it's fine." Matt laughed. "Jacob, she works for my wife; I think I should've remembered that name." Jacob then realized that and understood. "Okay, so back to the topic on hand."

Matt agreed with Jacob as he said that, as that most definitely is something that he has to do. "Yes, to the schedule." Jacob then proceeded to start again. "Okay, at nine you have a meeting with Rafael Solano, and then at ten you have the meeting with the entire board; following which, you are going to be meeting with Jeff Clarke..." Thinking about what Jacob just said, Matt decided that he wanted to change that. "Actually Jacob, I think that I should change that. When are we doing the meeting with ELLA Apparel?" Going to check the schedule that he has on his computer that he had in front of him, Jacob found the meeting that he had scheduled. "That meeting is scheduled for 1:30, after your meeting with Casey Health." Matt took a breath as he heard Jacob say that. "Okay, how long do we have the board meeting scheduled for?" Checking the schedule, Jacob gave an answer to Matt's question. "The board meeting is schedule to be an hour, and then you're meeting with Jeff Clarke at 11." Matt took a breath as he heard Jacob say that.

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