Daddy Likes...This Lingerie

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Before we begin, I want to apologize for how late I'm starting; however, I had an interview today...and that means that I needed to start a bit late. However, that didn't mean that I didn't do a bit of editing ahead of time. But now that I'm back from said interview, it's time for me to give you the content that you've been waiting for. So, here we go.

She wanted to make sure that everything looked right when Jay came upstairs, up to the nice surprise that she was going to be giving him; and just want might that surprise be? Well, it's something that every husband loves to see their wife wearing on a regular basis. Something that can easily turn them on and make them want to get in bed with their wives; not that Alex really needed to do much to get that to happen, but she still needed to try sometimes. She needed to try and tease her man, because that was her way of giving him the message that she wants to send him right now; the message that she doesn't just want to spend "quality" time with him, as they hold each other close and relax. Rather, she wants to spend quality, intimate time with Jay; as they hold each other close to one another, and just get some time where they can concentrate on each other. And right now, that was exactly what the husband-and-wife duo had a chance to do; as their children were fast asleep in their cribs, something that Alex already checked on when she came upstairs so that she could get changed into his outfit that she knows Jay is going to love the moment he lays his eyes on it.

I mean, it's sexy (in her opinion); especially as it hugs her curves perfectly, and just shows off her assets to the best of it's abilities. Her assets being, not only her nice body; but her bosom, which is larger than normal due to the fact that she's currently breastfeeding. And that was the entire reason behind Alex putting this specific piece of lingerie on, because of how much it shows off her bosom; because of how well it shows off her curves, and just how easily this outfit was going to be able to turn her husband on. And that's going to happen the minute Jay lays his eyes on her (and it), Alex can already see it; he's going to take one look at her, and he's going to think about how he wants to run his hands all over her body. Something that they both want to have happen right now, especially when Alex is so hormonal; and frankly, because she missed her husband. Sure, they've gotten a chance to hold each other each and every day since she gave birth to the twins. But there's just something about them now being able to run their hands all over each other's bodies, that just makes them both extremely happy with each other; and that starts with the sight Jay is about to have.

"Alex?" Hearing her loving husband's voice call out for her, presumably shortly after he made his way upstairs; Alex smirked due to the fact that she was ready to have his hands on her. "In the bathroom." Agreeing with his wife this morning, Jay smiled as he decided to join her for a moment; the husband wanting to let his wife know that the doors were once again locked, which meant that they were alone. But little did he know that he is in for quite a sexy surprise, which he is really going to enjoy; the sight of his gorgeous wife, wearing some sexy lingerie for him is always something that he enjoys. And this time is no different, as Alex looks absolutely stunning in the lingerie that she's going to be wearing for him today. Just staring at his wife as she stood there, Jay was shocked. "Woah." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, before turning around and leaning back against the counter; after which, she wagged her finger to invite the man of her dreams to get close to her (which he promptly did). And while doing so, he also did something that he knew Alex would enjoy; and that would be take off his shirt for her. The shirt that Alex wanted him to take off while he was coming upstairs.

 The shirt that Alex wanted him to take off while he was coming upstairs

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