The Caseys Celebrate Three Years with a Surprise

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Making their way back home, Matt smirked due to the fact that he was really happy to be home with Gabby; but what he was even happier about, was the look on her face just as soon as she saw what exactly she was looking at right now. More specifically, how they are going to be enjoying a meal with each other; however, Gabby was also a bit confused as she turned to look at Matt (who was currently in the midst of unclipping Andy's leach). "Go lay down boy and get some water." Barking, Andy agreed with Matt before rushing away so that he can go get a drink of water; at the same time, Matt made his way over to the back door and hung his leach up on the handle. After which, he turned around and looked at the woman he loves; after all, she looks very confused at the moment. I mean, why in the world would there be a meal on the back porch waiting for them? And when did Matt get a chance to cook. "Okay, I am so confused. What exactly is happening here?" Matt laughed a bit as he heard Gabby ask him that, before getting close to her.

After which, he smiled and proceeded to wrap his arms around her; at the same time, Gabby moved her hands to his sides and smiled as she looked up at the man she loves. Meanwhile, Matt moved his hands to her stomach and looked down into her eyes; after which, he moved his finger under her chin and pushed her head up so that he was staring into her eyes. Bending down, Matt smiled as he leaned in and started to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; and let's just say that Gabby was really happy that they are taking things nice and slow with each other, because this truly is exactly what the couple want to do with each other right now. They want to take things nice and slow with each other, and they want to be happy with each other, which they most certainly are. But now, Gabby needs an answer. "Okay, as much as I love kissing you; I need an answer baby, what's this?" Smiling at Gabby, Matt smirked. "I'm thinking about how tired you are at night." Gabby agreed with Matt.

"And I thought, maybe we can have an early anniversary meal; then we can just relax in bed for the rest of the night, while we have something easy later?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, really liking that idea as she got close to him; after which, she wrapped her arms around his back. Wrapping his arms around Gabby too, Matt smirked as he bent down and proceeded to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, which is exactly what they both want to do with each other. After which, Matt moved his hands to her sides and then looked down into Gabby's eyes. "I love you Gabby, and I am so glad that we're still married; and that we have this life with each other, and I'm not talking about the life that comes with wealth. I mean the life that we have with each other, because that's the life that I really love Gabby. The life that I have with you, as my wife; because at the end of the day, you're my entire life. And I just wanted to do something to show you that I love you so much."

Getting close to Matt, Gabby agreed with Matt and smiled as she wrapped her arms around him nice and tight; after which, Matt did the same and smiled at the woman he loves. Moving her hands to Matt's back, Gabby smiled as she just held the man she loves and cuddled up to him as she laid her head down his chest; at the same time, Matt wrapped his arms around her and pout his hands on her butt. Kissing her forehead, Matt smiled as he then went ahead and whispered to the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. After which, she looked up at smiled at the man she loves. Bending down, Matt smirked as he then went ahead and started to take things nice and slow with his gorgeous wife; the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, and the mother of his children. "I love you too Matt, and I am so glad that this is what we're going to do." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "And afterwards, we can take things easy."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as she felt the same way. That's exactly what she wants to do as well, and she wants to hold her husband close to her; but not when he's wearing these clothes, because she's going to want him to be in boxers. But also, these clothes are actually no longer going to be worn for the rest of the day; as Matt was not going to be wearing this outfit as they have a meal together, which is due to the fact that he plans on getting a little dressed up (to match her dress). And that was something that their chef already knew, a chef that they haven't seen in a while. Walking out, Pascale smiled when he saw his boss for the first time in a while. "Well, if it isn't our lovely anniversary couple?" Turning her head to look at Pascale, Gabby smiled as she then walked away so that she could hug him. "Pascale, how are you?" Smiling, Pascale made his way over to her and then went to hug her. "I'm doing well, and you look beautiful Ms. Casey." Gabby smiled, agreeing with Pascale as she put her hands on her stomach.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now