Bad Dreams, Part Two

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He decided to just wear his boxers, and a t-shirt when he came downstairs to make breakfast this morning; he just hoped that this was okay, because he knows that not every mother-in-law likes the sight of their son-in-law wearing his boxers. But it seems like Camila is okay with it because she just greeted him with a smile on her face. "Morning." Snickering, Matt just smiled as he walked into the kitchen to the sight of Camila feeding both Matteo and Noah in their highchairs. "Glad that you're okay with me coming downstairs clad in nothing but my t-shirt and boxers." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling at her yerno. At the same time, Matt smiled as he made his way over to his beautiful sons, who were very happy the moment they saw their daddy come downstairs, as they always are. Getting close to Matteo and Noah, Matt smiled as he bent down and then kissed their foreheads softly. "Yeah, you guys are happy that papa decided to come downstairs today?" Camila smiled as she heard Matt say that, before answering.

"I think they both are." Matt agreed with Camila as she said that, before continuing to make his way towards the fridge; he then proceeded to open it and smiled as he got ready to grab the eggs, as that's what he needs to grab so that he can make the breakfast that Gabby wanted. "Let me guess, you're going to be making something more than just some toast today?" Turning to look at Camila, Matt agreed with her and smiled. "Gabby wants egg sandwiches." Camila smiled. "Sounds delicious." Matt smiled as he heard Camila say that, before going to grab the English muffins. He then went ahead and took a couple out, putting them in the toaster so that they can start cooking right away; after which, he waked over to the drawer that they have in the kitchen which contains all of their pans. Grabbing a pan, he carried it over to the stove and then proceeded to set it down; after which, he turned on the burner.

Going to grab the spray, he then proceeded to go grab the eggs so that he can start cooking; after all, they want to make sure that they don't ruin their pans. Spraying it, Matt smiled as he went to set the spray down; after which, he went ahead and then went to grab the eggs. "So, while you're down here; I wouldn't mind if we talk for a bit." Turning his head, Matt agreed with Camila as she said that. "Yes?" Camila smiled. "I guess, I just want to know how Gabby is." Matt agreed with Camila as she said that, because that's something that he knew that they were going to talk about. "I think that we're going to be talking about that a lot today, but I think that Gabby is going to be okay at the end of the day; and I think that we're just going to talk about it some more, but I know that Gabby's okay now." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case. "And are you guys doing better when it comes to the fact that..." Matt sighed as he heard Camila say that, well aware of what she was talking about. "It's still hard."

Camila looked at her son-in-law as he said that, starting to get a bit worried. "How's Gabby?" Matt sighed. "She had a bad dream last night, related to the miscarriage." Camila sighed as she heard Matt say that, really hating the sound of that. "I'm sorry that's the case Matt." Matt agreed with Camila as he said that, well aware that she was sorry. "I know you are Camila, and I promise that we're going to be okay." Camila agreed with Matt, smiling as that's something that she already knew. "I know Matt, you're not going to do anything to screw this up anytime soon." Matt laughed as he heard Camila say that, especially after everything that he and Gabby have gone through over the past nineteen months. "I haven't screwed up in nineteen months, have I?" Camila shook her head as Matt asked her whether he screwed up over the past nineteen months, as that most definitely was not something that he did. He's been great. "You've been incredible Matt, and I am so glad that you're my son-in-law." Matt smiled, agreeing with Camila.

Afterwards, he heard Noah laugh a bit as he slapped his tray. "Yeah, I think that you're another Casey boy who's really happy right now." Matt then proceeded to make his way over to the boys, smiling as he looked at Noah; after which, he bent down and just smiled as he kissed his cheek. "Yeah, you're really happy that daddy came downstairs to see you this morning." Camila smiled as she turned her head and then looked at her son-in-law, who soon made his way over to Matteo; bending down again, Matt then proceeded to kiss his cheek too. "Are you being a good boy with your abuela?" Camila smiled as Matt asked if the boys were good. "They were great last night, and me and Ramon actually caught up and we talked." Matt took a breath as he heard Camila say that, well aware that was something that they needed to talk about. "Do you mind if we talk about that?" Camila was a bit confused as Matt asked her that. "Why?" Matt sighed. "I just want to make sure that things went okay, and that things aren't too awkward between you guys."

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