Family Night: Including the Severides

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay, and so much for not getting distracted. But now, I'm back and ready to write a bit. I hope that you guys can forgive me, because this time around I really got distracted; and I most certainly did not do any story planning, so I aim not going to use that excuse. And now, I am not going to waste anymore time than I already have, as I haven't posted that much today. So, I am just going to get to it, and get this one out to you guys; with the hopes of me being able to get another one before the finale.

Casey Headquarters – 26th Floor: Kitchen and Dining Room
They were finally ready to be here, with the boys and all of their friends and family; or should they say, just their family. Because that's what the Dawsons, Caseys, and Severides all consider themselves: one big, happy family. And that didn't just apply to their friends and family that are currently here, but also to the Halsteads; whom they also invited (at least, Will and Natalie), but they informed them that they were busy watching the Halstead kids. But they were more than okay with that, as it meant that Jay and Alex must be getting some time alone. And frankly, Gabby understood why; she needed that time alone with Matt after being stuck in the hospital for so long, and she really took advantage of their family to get some. But someday soon, that isn't going to be the case; as she knows that when the girls are here, there isn't going to be much time for that type of time: time where she and Matt are alone and taking it easy with each other in bed. That time is going to be reserved for when they are in bed together at night, and they are okay with that.

Just like Gabby is more than okay with getting a hug from behind from her best friend. "God, I am so glad that you invited me to spent some time with you." Turning around to face her best friend as she said that, Gabby smiled as she went and hugged Stella. "Girl, it's a new rule. If we have a family dinner, then you're here with us. You're family girl!" Stella agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling at her; but little did Stella know, that she wasn't the only one that was smiling at Gabby. "We mean it Stella, you're not just my friend and former protégé; you're my sister-in-law, and I mean it." Stella agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling at him. 

"You better not talk business with my husband tonight, because I already pumped; and I don't care if your wife is pregnant, tonight is my night to drink some wine!" Gabby just looked at her best friend as she said that

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"You better not talk business with my husband tonight, because I already pumped; and I don't care if your wife is pregnant, tonight is my night to drink some wine!" Gabby just looked at her best friend as she said that. "GIRL!" Stella just looked at Gabby. "Honey, I'm surrounded by three boys all day, and all night. I haven't had any chances to get away because you've been busy with your husband!" Gabby agreed.

"I know, and I'm sorry about that girl..." Taking a breath, Gabby sighed as she looked at Matt. "Things have just been crazy around here, and I am trying to get things in order ahead of the baby coming." Stella agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Let me guess, your emotions and hormones are through the roof." And that was when Antonio came over. "Seriously? It's not enough that I had to KNOW that was what you were doing, but I need to hear you talk about it now?" Gabby just looked at her brother as he said that, before shaking her head. "Antonio, shut your mouth before we make you pay for Diego to come here for Christmas. Speaking of which, where's my Sobrina! I haven't seen her in a while? Or did she go back to Chicago because school's done?" Snickering, Antonio shook his head. "No, she's here. Upstairs in the playroom/living room with the boys." Gabby shook her head as she heard Antonio say that. "Seriously? You let her come here, without telling her to come see me first? By the way, where's Emily?" Antonio snickered.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now