Homecoming: Leaving the Hospital, Part 1

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I want to first apologize for the length of time it took in between posting Chapters One Hundred and Sixty-Two, and One Hundred and Sixty-Three last night; and that was due to the fact that I was just out of ideas for the hospital, and I made the creative decision that I would change the settings when it came to where the Halsteads are now. And just where might that be? Well, that would be home at their family home; well, soon. Enjoy readers.

December 1, 2019 – Halstead Hospital Room (7:30 AM)
It took them two months, and three days for them to finally be at this spot; at the place where the doctors have decided that they could finally tell them the magic words that they have been waiting to hear, ever since Alex gave birth two months earlier. Those words? "Jay and Alex, we're confident that the twins are in a place where you can now take them home tomorrow morning. And that's why, I am giving you these today." And just what might their doctor have given them yesterday? Well, that would be their discharge papers of course. And let's just say that Jay and Alex couldn't fill them out fast enough, so that they were already ready to go when they walked by the nurse's station on their way out of the NICU today. Well, that was the original place; what really ended up happening, was that Natalie came in early today and brought them for her. And yes, I know what you're all thinking; Natalie is due in two months, and that should mean that she's on maternity leave. Well, that's what Jay thought as well (as did Will being honest).

But rather than her being at home right now, she was here; at the hospital, with them for their last day here at the hospital. When they first checked into the hospital room, Natalie made something clear to the management; and that was that she was going to work until they were cleared to go home. And luckily, that's exactly what she was able to do; but that didn't mean that Will liked it, but he also knew that his wife had a mind of her own. And at the end of the day, he wasn't going to be able to control her; rather, he was just going to have to make sure that she takes it easy and relaxes while she helps them get through this hard time. At least, until today; because while Natalie is here today, she isn't here as Dr. Natalie Manning. Rather, she's here as auntie Nat; the aunt who is going to help them bring the twins home, home to their family home (where they're spending their leaves). And yes, they are going to live there; and that's due to the fact that the home is much smaller, and it's so that Jay can be nearby if he needs to work on something.

Or heck, if he gets bored and needs to do something else; then, he and Antonio can meet up somewhere and work on Casey Police. Plus, it's actually where all of their friends are living most of the time now; so, they would rather just live there instead of having to invite people over to their place so that they can see the kids. Well, they are going to do that; but then they can kick them out much easier, and then just send them up the elevator. Oh, and it also means that they can have Will and Natalie nearby if they need help; including help when it comes to taking care of Max, if he ever needs to go out (but Jay and Alex are busy taking care of the twins). So yes, Jay and Alex both agreed that would be the best place for them to be while they are still newborns; and yes, they are still calling them newborns (even though they are now two months old). And that's due to the fact that they still look, and act as newborns do; including when it comes to sleep. And let's just say that Alex is really loving that fact, the fact that they sleep as much as newborns.

Because that means that she's going to be able to get something from the man of her dreams while they relax in bed with each other, something that Jay already knows that he's going to be giving; and frankly, wants to give to his beautiful wife. And that would be attention. But he wasn't going to go too far, which is something that Jay and Alex both agreed on; that they wouldn't go too far, and that they would just relax as they held each other close. Because that's what they both want to do. They want to hold each other close, and they want to relax with each other as they cuddle in bed. And that truly is going to be very fun, especially since Jay doesn't need to hold back (as much as he does here in the hospital) when they're in the privacy of their own home; but that doesn't mean that he isn't going to hold back for a bit, just to make sure that they get a chance to take it easy and relax. Because that's something that he and Alex both need, time to relax and just get used to this new life that they're starting with Michael and Olivia, their babies.

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