Hey Sexy Handyman...

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys liked yesterday's chapters and are ready for more. Let me know what you guys think, and what you guys would like to see going forward. Thanks again for reading.

Casey Headquarters – 28th Floor: Bedrooms, Casey Penthouse
He was currently in the midst of doing something that he hasn't done in ages, use some power tools. After all, Matt is no longer a part-time handyman/repairman; but rather, he has a full-time job. Well, a few full-time jobs. He's a loving husband, a proud father, and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of his company "Casey". And while he is proud of the accomplishments that he's done at the company, this little thing that he was in the midst of doing was something that he was really enjoying; and that was just taking apart some of the furniture that they had set up at their penthouse. And yes, you heard that right, taking apart some of the furniture that they have here. And there was a reason why he was taking apart some furniture, which was because of what this bedroom is going to be in a few months. And that's going to be their daughter (or daughters) nursery. They aren't sure yet, but there's just something about the way that Gabby is acting that really makes him wonder whether they're going to be having another set of twins.

But this time, it's going to be twin daughters; and that's something that Matt is ready to have. He wants to have twin daughters, and that's something that they are going to have if that's what they're going to have. He believes it's faith, and it's also why he's more than ready to paint this beautiful bedroom nice and pink; because that's what a father does for their daughters, they make some beautiful bedrooms in their homes. But first, he has to do something else; and that was pack up the guest room that they have here, which they were going to make into the nursery. Because that's what they think that they're going to do at the start, they're going to start with one room for their second set of twins; and then they can do individual bedrooms in the future, as long as their family doesn't live with them. They just need to have their own space, and that's exactly what they have here at their penthouse, which is exactly what she and Gabby need right now, they need space to just relax. So much so, that he wonders whether this truly is right.

Whether they have enough space here at the penthouse for their (growing) family, but that wasn't something that he's ready to think about as he just wants to concentrate on setting up their home for their children. And that was something that both Matt and Gabby wanted to do together, starting right now as she walked up to the door. Looking at her dreamy husband as he stood there in his boxers, which was extremely sexy; especially since they were tight boxers. So, rather than tell Matt that she was down here with him...she decided that she would just admire her husband's amazing body. Leaning against the door frame, Gabby just smirked as she looked at the man she loves while he climbs into the bed frame so that he can start unscrewing the headboard (which is much larger); but unfortunately, Matt forgot to do something. And that would get something that he can put screws in, which was something that she could see; and that she was going to take advantage of, as it was going to be her way to tell Matt that she just woke up.

But how, might you ask? Well, somebody has to hold the screws that he just got out of the bed, which is soon started to do while sitting on the ground, and then went to get close to the headboard. At the same time, he made sure to bring a little plastic bag that he can use to keep the screws in; I mean, do you really expect Matt to not be completely ready when it comes to what he needs? What he needs to put the screws in, and what he needs to make sure that he doesn't loose the screws? But still, that doesn't mean that Gabby isn't going to offer to help, because she wants to spend time with her husband; rather they be together in bed, or here in the future nursery (she thinks) ...then that's fine with her, and she's going to be more than okay with spending some time with him here. And that's exactly what they're going to do with each other. They're going to just relax, and they're going to do this project together; after all, there weren't going to be many more projects that they can do together quite easily as she gets further along.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now