The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: I Had to Take Andy Out

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Chapter Two Hundred. Wow. This is incredible, and I am so glad that I am here; I didn't expect to get here this fast, and this is exactly what I want to keep doing. I just hope that you guys are still interested in reading this story, because I really do hope to continue this story for a while; and that starts with Matt and Gabby celebrating their third wedding anniversary. So, how about we get to that?

December 6, 2019 – Casey Family Home
He thought that he'd be able to just sneak back into bed with her when he came back from taking Andy out this morning, but it turned out that him leaving bed was something that still bothered his wife to this day; but he understood, especially when it happened this morning of all mornings. By why this morning specifically? Well, that's due to the significance of this morning. This morning is Matt and Gabby's third wedding anniversary, and Matt is certain that his beautiful wife would've wanted him to be in bed with her as she woke up; and that was what he wanted to, as you know. But now, that can't happen as they are both out of bed. Matt's coming back upstairs from letting Andy go to the washroom, and Gabby...well she's nowhere to be found, at least she was. In order to find his beautiful wife, Matt just had to listen; more specifically, he had to listen for the sound of water. And that, that's how he figured out just where his beautiful wife of three years is, and where his morning kiss is; and that would be in the shower, probably naked.

And if Gabby things that she can avoid taking a shower with him, just because she's a bit mad that he wasn't here; well, she's dreaming. Both because he's about to join her, and because she knows that she can't take a shower without him; literally, and physically. May I remind you that Gabby is pregnant with their daughters? That means that she needs to get some help to wash up, which is the entire reason why Matt already knows that he's guaranteed an invite into the shower. Plus, who can resist Matt? He's a hunk, and Gabby is quite hormonal right now, which is another reason why it's going to be extremely easy for Matt to get in the shower with the woman he loves, and he's going to be able to do it right now. Right after he takes off his towel and makes sure that Andy is quiet. Turning to look at his service dog, Matt moved his finger up to his lips; that way, he can make sure that Andy stays quiet. He doesn't want to ruin his change at getting in the shower with the woman he loves, because he knows it's already at risk (a bit).

He just hopes that Gabby has an open mind when it comes to letting him join her, and that she remembers just how much she loves him; and that she'd rather have him in the shower with her, rather than not have him in the shower. And he's hoping to play on that, starting right now as he took off his towel and hung it up next to Gabby's on the hook; and luckily for Matt, there's no door to the shower. That means that he can literally just step right in, without having to ask Gabby if he can join her; not that he doubts she would be against him being in the shower with her, as she loves him at the end of the day. And for that simple reason, Gabby is most definitely going to be okay with him being in the shower with her; starting right now, as he stepped into the shower behind her and moved his hands to her hips. He then proceeded to get nice and close to his girl, before bending down so that he could kiss her neck and shoulder softly; and let's just say that really brought a smile to Gabby's face, as it made her moan out of pure pleasure for him.

 He then proceeded to get nice and close to his girl, before bending down so that he could kiss her neck and shoulder softly; and let's just say that really brought a smile to Gabby's face, as it made her moan out of pure pleasure for him

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