Let Work Begin, Part Two

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Turning to look at Jeff, Will smiled as he walked up to him and went to shake his hand. "How are you Jeff?" Jeff smiled as he heard Will say that, before shaking his hand. "I'm doing good, things are really great now." Will smiled as he heard Jeff say that, as he couldn't disagree just how great life is. "I have to agree." Jeff smiled. "So, I can only assume that Natalie isn't feeling the best today, which is why she decided not to join us?" Will shook his head. "Patient is delivering a baby today; she needs to be there for the patient." Jeff agreed. "Right, I remember hearing Matt say that. Got a bunch to work with today." Jeff then proceeded to make his way over to Ethan, and smiled as he went to shake his hand. "How are you Ethan?" Ethan smiled. "Good, ready to get to work today. But first, I need to get a contract signed today; so, I'm not too sure whether I'm going to be able to do much until I sign the contract." Jeff agreed with Ethan as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Well, I am sure that we can talk to Matt about that."

That was, until they heard another one of their bosses walk over to them. "Or you can talk to me about that, as I have been told that I am going to be the person people go to today." Turning their heads, Will, Jay, Alex, Ethan, and Jeff all looked at Mr. Solano, the Vice-Chairman of the Board and Senior Deputy Chief Executive Officer-at-Large of Casey. "Of course, Mr. Solano; we can do just that." Crossing his arms, Rafael Solano smiled at all of the gentlemen. "So, what are we talking about?" Jeff sighed. "We are just thinking about what we can do today, until I sign my contract today." Rafael soon realized that they haven't yet signed their contracts, and that they are going to be signing their contracts today. "Right, you are all signing your contracts today; aren't you?" Jeff and Ethan both agreed with Rafael as he asked them that, as that was the truth. "Yes, those are our plans. We are scheduled to meet with Matt at one, where we were going to sign our contracts; after which, we are having a meeting with Will and Matt at the same time."

Mr. Solano was a bit confused as he heard the two gentlemen refer to the CEO as Matt. "I think you mean Mr. Casey?" Snickering, Will looked at Rafael. "Rafael, take a breath and relax. Dr. Jeff Clarke and Dr. Ethan Choi are our friends from Chicago. Dr. Clarke is a former firefighter who served alongside Matt at Firehouse 51, and Dr. Choi is a former doctor at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center; a place where he had constant interaction with Gabby." Rafael soon realized that and felt embarrassed; but not as embarrassed as he was after he heard his boss' voice. "Yes, that is true. Rafael, did you do something to offend my Chicago friends?" Turning around, Rafael took a breath as he was a bit nervous when it came to what he just did. "My apologies Mr. Casey, I had no clue that Doctor Clarke knew you personally." Matt agreed with Rafael as he said that. "Rafael, I know everybody on the board personally from Chicago; with the exception of John Matthews, Trevor Stephens, you, Adam Michaels, and John Serhant. Everybody else, I know from Chicago."

Rafael agreed with his boss as he said that

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Rafael agreed with his boss as he said that. "I thought you were in my office Rafael?" Rafael agreed with Matt as he said that. "I'm on my way there sir." Matt agreed with Rafael as he said that, before smiling as he walked away to his office. "Good, I will see you soon." At the same time, Matt noticed that Max was making his way over to Andy. "Hey, Jay?" Looking down, Jay noticed that Max playing a bit. "Max!" Turning his head, Max knew that he was in trouble; after which, he made his way back into his office. At the same time, Matt smiled. "Are you going to keep him in your office while we do meetings?" Turning her head, Alex looked at her husband. "I'm not sure yet. We need to figure that out. What are you doing with Andy?" Matt smiled. "I'm going to let him follow me because that's what he's trained to do. Still not sure what's going to happen PTSD-wise, as we haven't delt in the office much; so, I'm still training him." Jay agreed with Matt. "Then I'll do the same with Max, because I'm still training him too." Matt agreed with Jay, smiling at his friend.

"Guy, do you mind if I speak to Jay for a moment?" Will, Ethan, and Jeff agreed with Matt as he said that. "Oh, Ethan and Jeff. Can you guys please go see Isaac Rogers in Office 1804? So that you can go do your contracts? We have time, and I would love to just have it done now that you're here. That way, we can talk about other things; and just where I want to take Casey Health when you come see me at one." Jeff and Ethan both agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling. "Of course, see you at the board meeting."

Note: I have decided to change the location of the legal offices, and they are now going to be on the 18th floor of the building. Meanwhile, the 19th floor will be where the junior executive offices are, the 20th floor will be where the boardrooms are, and the 21st floor will be where the senior executive offices are (including Matt's Office).

Agreeing with Jeff and Ethan as they walked away, Matt smiled as he looked at the Halstead brothers. "I'm glad to see that you came in Jay." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that. "I wanted to get away from my father-in-law for a bit." Matt laughed as he heard Jay say that, having thought that was the case. "I thought that was the case. But listen, we're not meeting until three. So today, you're going to be working with Antonio; and I want you guys to come up with a budget, and I want you guys to let me know what type of employees you need for our projects. But I also want you to work with your brother on the PTSD course project, because we only have 4 months to get the case out to the Orange County Sherriff's department. But they already know they are getting our first one, so they are going to be helping us. Please make sure that you get that done by February so that I can get it out to them ASAP. Then, they are going to test it out for us; and they are going to give us feedback, ahead of the next delivery of that course to the LAPD in June."

Jay and Will both agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that they do have deadlines that they need to work on. "Good, now that we have that set up; I am going to go to my office so that I can talk to Rafael and get some things set up with him, as this is going to be a busy day. Now, I am telling you this right now. If you need me, don't need me. I have meetings from now until four. If you need something, e-mail me and we'll see what happens. But now, I think that I need to get out of here; and I need to go get ready for my marathon of meetings." Will agreed with Matt as he said that. "Just make sure that you stay hydrated Matt." Matt agreed with Will as he said that, well aware that's something that they need to do; they need to stay hydrated, and they need to take it easy. That's when Matt remembered something. "Oh, just to let you know. Fridays are work from home days now because I want to be at home." Will agreed with Matt as he said that. "Oh, by the way. Thanks for the tickets for Saturday." Matt agreed with Will, smiling.

However, Jay was confused as to what Will was talking about. "Saturday?" Matt smiled. "Fundraising event for Puerto Rico, me and Gabby are going and we're staying at the hotel." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "And you're going there Thursday? Or Friday?" Matt snickered. "Not sure yet, depends on how Gabby is. But listen, I need to get out of here so that I can start my meetings. I hope you guys have a good day, and get some work done." Jay and Will both agreed with Matt as he said that, before watching as he walked away; after which, Will turned to look at his brother and sister-in-law. "Wow, he's working good right now." Jay agreed with Will as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I think that's due to the fact that this is his other baby, and that they need to make sure that things run smoothly." Will agreed with his brother as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Well, I think that people are going to be impressed by how he works." Jay smiled as he heard his brother say that, because he feels the same way.

"I know that I am, but I'm biased; as we're friends with them." Will agreed with Jay as he said that. "And we're his employees." Jay laughed, before smiling at his brother. "So listen, how about me and you get started on that PTSD Course? Want to find a place to work?" Will smiled. "I can come work in here, is Alex going to help?" Turning his head, Jay wondered what the answer to that question is. "I think that I should, because then I can add in the spouse perspective." Will and Jay both agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case; after all, that's something that they need to do. They need to think about the spouses of the people suffering from PTSD, who are their main source of love and support while they're dealing with PTSD.

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