Quality Time at the Beach, Part 2A: Matt & Gabby in the Ocean

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterday's chapters and are ready for some more chapters; chapters that will include some quality Dawsey time on the beach, as well as a bit of Manstead time on the beach. Enjoy.

Making his way into the ocean with Gabby shortly after tying him up at their chair and asking Will and Natalie to watch him; Matt smirked as he got ready to hold the woman he loves in his arms, as they spend some time in the ocean with each other. And that most definitely is something that both husband and wife are interested in doing with each other, which is the entire reason why Matt asked Will and Natalie to watch Andy in the first place; so that he can spend some quality, intimate time with the woman he loves. And not just spend some quality time with each other, but also hold her in his arms; as he takes things nice and slow with her, as they shared a kiss with each other. Heck, maybe he can even take her bra off, and feel her entire chest against his own chest; because that most definitely is something that he wants to feel, his wife's chest against his...and the truth was, that was something that Gabby wanted as well; simply because her husband is a real hunk, and his body is really muscular...which just makes the way he holds her even better.

But right now, Matt doesn't need to dream about him holding Gabby against his chest (while she isn't wearing a bra); rather, he wants to just do it. He wants to hold Gabby against his chest, while she doesn't wear a bra; he doesn't want to have the opportunity to wear a bra for long, and Gabby feels the same way. And that was the entire reason why Gabby was actually in the midst of facing away from Matt as he joined her in the water, so that he can move his hands right to her back and take off her bra; and let's just say that's going to be something that Matt's going to do, just like Gabby wants him to do. Making his way over to Gabby, Matt smirked due to the fact that she just looks so damn beautiful; and he's glad that he's going to get a chance to hold her in his arms, and he's also going to get a chance to share a nice kiss with each other. Walking right up behind Gabby as he was in the water once again, Matt smirked as he tugged her body back against his chest, while also putting his hands on her stomach and rubbing it with his hands. "Hi beautiful."

Smiling as she heard Matt say that, Gabby proceeded to turn around and look up at the man she loves, who just so happens to also be the father of her children, and the love of her life. "Hey you." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before getting nice and close to her; after which, he wrapped his arms around her and just smirked as he leaned in so that he could kiss her softly. After which, he moved his hand to the side of her face and took things nice and slow with her. "So, is Andy taken care of?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether Andy was taken care of, because he was and that was all thanks to Will and Natalie, who were currently relaxing on the beach with him. "Will and Natalie actually just got to the beach, and they're going to watch Andy while we're in the ocean with each other." Turning her head to look past Matt, Gabby saw Will and Natalie sitting on the beach with each other; after which, she waived to Natalie to thank her for watching Andy for them. At the same time, Natalie waved back to Gabby. "Thanks Nat!"

Natalie laughed as she heard Gabby thank her, before yelling back. "No problem Gabby, enjoy yourself!" Turning around to look at his friend, Matt smiled due to the fact that this really is something that he wants to do right now; he wants to hold the woman he loves in his arms, and he wants to make sure that they just relax and hold each other close. And thanks to Will and Natalie, they aren't going to have to concentrate on making sure that Andy stays nearby; rather, they're going to be able to concentrate on each other. They're going to be able to make sure that they both just take it easy and relax in each other's arms; while they also grieve for the loss of their child, which is something that Matt and Gabby are still doing today. In fact, Matt is thinking about talking to her out here on the beach; because it's somewhere they are away from their family, and where they can breathe and just take it easy. And preferably, he would rather make his way further into the ocean with the woman he loves. "Listen, Andy is being taken care of right now." Gabby agreed.

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