Casey Family Blog: December 6, 2019

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Hi Readers: I want to quickly apologize for the short chapters that I have been giving you recently, and I promise that I am going to try and get back to the long chapters. But right now, this one is going to be a short chapter again; and you'll see why right now.

December 6, 2019
Before we begin, I want to first apologize for the non-updating of the Casey Family Blog, because I really want to update this blog more often; but recently, I have just gotten busy...but I promise dear readers, that I am going to fill you in on everything, especially some of the behind-the-scenes things that have happened over the past little while. And maybe I have already covered some of these things in other posts, but I most certainly will just write my month-by-month update anyways. Enjoy readers, and here's a timeline of everything that's happened in the past year; starting with our last anniversary that we celebrated.

December 6, 2018: Me and Matt's second wedding anniversary, and the start of this whole new journey that we've found ourselves on now. More specifically, the journey that came with a lot of money, and many more possibilities. And that just so happens to also include some more children. Not sure if I have told you about this, but I am actually currently pregnant with my second set of twins: daughters. But unfortunately, it was supposed to be triplets, which is something that we're sad about. We learned about it maybe a few days ago, but we were supposed to have two daughters; as well as a son. While we still have the twin daughters, we unfortunately lost our third son. Which is why I have decided that this is going to be my last pregnancy. But more on that later when we get to 2019. But before we go on to the next milestone that I want to write about, I want to remind you guys what I got on my second wedding anniversary. I got a charm bracelet (which I am still wearing). God, it is still so beautiful; and it's something I will always cherish.

December 25, 2018: Me and Matt's last Christmas a nothing but husband-and-wife, and god was it fun; we just had fun and took things nice and easy. It was just a beautiful day, and I think we saw some family; but I am going to have to be reminded of that, all I know is that me and Matt definitely did get some time alone, and we used one of my anniversary gifts that I forgot to mention. Or maybe it was actually one of my Christmas gifts, as he always gets me a bunch of things in December. But we actually got some bath bombs and took a romantic bath together; it was just amazing, and I am so glad that we ended up taking that bath together, because he washed me and it was just perfect. And I think that we may even take a bath together today, on our anniversary; because I am not sure what else I want to do. But this is most definitely not something that I am going to debate on here, with you my dear readers.

May 31-June 1, 2019: Me and Matt went on a romantic getaway and left the boys behind for a bit; we actually bought a yacht, and this was our first trip on the yacht we own. While we didn't get away too long, it was okay; all that mattered at the end of the day was that we got a chance to get some quality time with each other, but it ended up ending with a bit of drama, that involved our son getting hurt a bit. But he's okay now, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. That our little guy is okay, and safe and sound.

June 3, 2019: The drama began, and the media started to get a bit horrible. And I truly mean horrible. They really hounded us and started to make a bunch of rumors up. But I am not going to get too much in the weeds for that. If you want to know more about it, you can just search for the statement that my husband said about how we didn't abuse our children, because that's the last thing that we'll ever do. We love our boys, and we will love our daughters more than anything in the entire world, which is just one of the reasons why we will never abuse them. But that was just the start of a mess, a mess that led us to leave Hawaii for a while.

June-August 2019: We spent the summer in Los Angeles, and did some work there, which included getting an office set up there. Special thanks to our team there, especially Anna Olivia; my amazing Assistant Deputy Chief Operating Officer for ELLA Creations at our Los Angeles Office. You have been doing great work there, and I'm glad that we chose you to be our representative there. And of course, I want to also thank the rest of the team there as you have all been so amazing and have done everything great from a distance.

September 27, 2019: Our friends gave birth to their twins Michael and Olivia prematurely, right before we were scheduled to return to Hawaii for the winter. And we actually recently made the decision that this move is going to be permanent, because we're so much happier here; we just feel like this is the place where we're supposed to call home. And that means that we're going to be here for the rest of our lives, and it's where we're going to be raising our children. And let's just say that I love that idea because it's going to be nice with the warm weather being around all the time now.

December 6, 2019: Today – me and Matt's third wedding anniversary. Thanks again for reading today's post, and I hope to keep you updated on our life; with some posts more often as well, but we'll have to figure out when that can happen. But for now, let's keep this life going.

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