Four All We Need

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Sorry for having left you guys on a little cliff-hanger yesterday, but you need to do things so that you can keep people's attention in the story. And I think that worked because you guys are back now to reader another chapter. I hope you guys continue to enjoy the story and are ready to see just where I take the story; because in all honesty, I'm still figuring that out myself. But there is one thing that I already know, and it's the answer to the question that Matt asked Gabby. So, what do you say I give you the answer to that question? Here we go with some more chapters. Enjoy my dear readers.

"Do you really want to go for another baby in the future?" -Matt Casey

That was the question that was currently hanging over the couple, and it was a question that could easily create a fight; at least in Gabby's mind, which is why she was being quite quiet as she cuddled up to him in bed. Running her hand down his chest, Gabby just took a breath; at the same time, Matt moved his hand to Gabby's hip and turned his head to kiss the top of her head. But there was another reason why Matt decided to kiss the top of Gabby's head, and that was to remind her that he's here for her; and that she can be honest with him, she can always be honest with him. If she doesn't want to go for another baby, then he's okay with that due to the fact that he loves their family; the little family that they've already created with each other and are currently raising her in Hawaii. But now, he and Gabby need to talk about this right now. They need to talk about the future, and whether they really want to go for another baby, which is the question that Matt is still waiting for an answer to, not that Matt really wants to pressure her to answer quickly. She can take all the time she needs to answer this question, because he doesn't want her to feel pressured to answer.

So right now, Matt was just running his hand up and down Gabby's back; all the while, he was also leaving soft kisses on her forehead as a way to keep her calm. And that most definitely is exactly how Gabby feels right now, calm and relaxed with her loving husband. Just stroking her back as he continued to hold Gabby in his arms, Matt made sure that she was at least comfortable as she thought about what she wanted to tell him right now. So, if this is what Gabby needs, then he's more than okay to do it. Kissing her forehead softly, Matt continued to run his hand up and down her back; that was, until Gabby looked up at Matt and spoke to her loving husband. "I'm not sure." And those three words were all that Matt needed to hear to know what she was thinking about, and what they needed to talk about right now; and that would be how happy Matt is with their family, and the family that they were going to have soon (when Gabby gives birth to their daughters). And that's exactly what Matt plans on telling her, that he's content with them just having four children; that's all he needs. Him and Gabby, as well as their four beautiful children: Matteo, Noah, Bella, and Emily.

"Gabby, can you look up at me for a minute?" Turning her head, Gabby looked up at her loving husband and agreed with him; after all, that was something that she most definitely can do. She can look up at her husband, and just listen to him; as he talks to her, and just tells her whatever he needs to tell her. Wrapping his arms around Gabby, Matt smiled as he watched her cuddle up to him; at the same time, Matt kissed her forehead softly while running his hand up and down her back. After which, Matt spoke to his wife. "Gabby, I want you to be honest with me; I want you to tell me how you're feeling, so that we can talk about this." Kissing Gabby's forehead once again, Matt took a breath as he looked at the woman he loves; after which, he wrapped his arm around her waist. "I don't think I want to go for another baby, even if we do it by surrogacy. I don't know if I can take the risk of loosing another baby." And it was as if he could just feel his heart breaking, as he held Gabby in his arms; running his hand up and down Gabby's back, Matt soon her start to cry in his chest. "Hey,'s okay baby. Take a breath. It's all okay, and I understand. I understand that you're done having kids."

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