Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner (1A)

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys, but I spent the past little while doing some story planning; and I even explored some storylines that I can write for you guys, as I am really just writing this entire story on the fly. I only plan a couple chapters ahead, and that doesn't even include some of the major storylines that I have. When I say that this story is literally just a work in progress, that will progress chapter-by-chapter; I truly mean that, because facts that are established in one chapter...well, they may be facts that I just thought about at the time. So, no promises that any facts are going to stay the same; however, I hope that they do stay the same for the sake continuity. But now, enough with this message to you; let's give you what you really want. Enjoy.

Walking downstairs shortly after getting changed (and putting their swimwear out to dry), Matt smiled as he got ready to talk to his family for a bit right now; talk to them about the timing that they were going to choose when it comes to when they're going to eat, because he realized something recently. And that would be that there was another reason why Gabby really wanted to come home, and that was due to the fact that she was tired; and she felt like she needed to take a nap, prior to them having supper as a family. And that was why Matt was coming downstairs, to let everybody know what was going on with Gabby; and just why they weren't coming right down, because it was what they needed. And the truth was, Matt was really hoping that they would understand; because that was something that he didn't yet know the answer to. Whether they would understand that they need a bit of time, prior to them coming downstairs to enjoy a family dinner. Then again, if they don't understand; it's not like they can change their mind as to what they're going to do, as they're the ones who know when they need to take it easy and just relax....for Gabby's health right now.

Because at the end of the day, that was their main priority, Gabby's health, and the health of their twins. So, that was the sentiment that Matt was going to play to; the fact that they are all more concerned about the health of the twins, rather than them spending some time with Matt and Gabby. But now, it was time for them to figure out whether that was okay; and for Matt to say hi to Antonio, as they ended up sneaking in through their patio door...which was the entire reason that everybody was a bit surprised when they saw Matt come downstairs, including his father-in-law Ramon. "Matthew, a little casual for supper?" Matt snickered a bit as he heard Ramon say that, glad that he was here. "Gabby likes a cold bedroom, and I am freezing at times." Ramon agreed with his son-in-law as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Probably because she's used to the warm, yet you don't seem to be used to it yet." Matt agreed with Ramon as he said that, before smiling as he looked at Noah as he crawled over to him this afternoon. "Hey buddy, you want to come say hi to daddy?" Getting close to his son, Matt smiled as he proceeded to pick his young son up in his arms.

Cuddling up to Noah, Matt smiled as he wrapped his arms around him and just looked at him; at the same time, he held him close and smiled as he moved his hand to his bottom. "Did the boys go down for their pre-supper nap?" Camila agreed with Matt as he asked them all whether the boys went down for their pre-supper nap, which they most definitely did. "They did, I promise Matt." Matt agreed with Camila as she said that, smiling as he turned his head and looked at Noah again; kissing his forehead as he cuddled up to him, Matt smiled as he rocked him. That was, until he heard Antonio speak to him. "So, is there a reason that Gabby isn't down here with you right now?" Matt sighed as Antonio asked him whether there was a reason why Gabby wasn't doing here yet, because he knew that he wanted to spend some time with his sister; and that was what prompted Matt to step into the living room a bit, while continue to rock Noah in his arms as he cuddled up to him and rubbed his back. "That's actually why I'm down here right now, because I need to talk to you guys for a minute." Ramon just looked at his son-in-law as he said that. "Really? The one night that I get an invite."

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