Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner (1B)

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Walking into his and Gabby's bedroom shortly after getting him and Gabby some water, Matt smiled as he walked in to see Gabby laying down in bed and just taking it easy as she laid down with Andy; but rather than sleeping, she was still awake and seemingly waiting for him. "So, you talk to my family?" Looking up at his beautiful wife while closing the door to their room behind him, Matt smiled and nodded as he did speak to their family. "They all understood that we need to take a minute to rest, especially since we just got back from the beach; and they said that everything is under control, including the boys." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "And they're okay with watching them, and you shouldn't feel guilty that you're not spending time with them." Sighing, Gabby shook her head as it still baffles her just how well Matt knows her; including the fact that she was thinking about that right now. "How did you know that I was thinking about that?" Matt smiled as Gabby asked him how he knew that she was thinking about that.

"Because I know my wife better than she does herself." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before moving to sit up in bed; that way, she could also invite him to join her in bed easier. After all, she does want to cuddle up to the man of her dreams for a while; and that was something that Matt wanted to do as well, he wanted to hold his beautiful wife close to him as they get a chance to rest. After all, that was what she needed to do right now; and it was also what she asked her husband to talk to their family about, because she needed to take it easy right now. "I hope you know that I'll do whatever you need me to do, including asking our family for more time. However, I told them that we'd be back down when Emily gets here." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that. "I'm glad that Emily's coming, I want to see her around the boys some more; and I'm glad that Antonio's happy." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to set his water bottle down on his side table; while also extending Gabby's water bottle out to her, as he wants her to have a drink of water. "Here, how about you take a sip of water? I think we both know that you need it." Gabby agreed.

She then proceeded to grab the water bottle he was extending to her, ready to take a sip of water thanks to him. "Thanks baby." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby thank him, as she had no reason to thank him. "It's okay Gabby, you have no reason to thank me." Gabby smiled as she looked up at the most amazing man in the entire world, who just so happens to also be her husband, and the love of her life. "You are too modest Matthew Casey, and we both know that you're the best husband in the entire world." Smiling as he heard Gabby say that, Matt moved to sit down next to the love of his life; after which, he put his hand on her stomach and smiled as he bent down and kissed Gabby softly. At the same time, Gabby put her hand on his face and kissed him softly. "Listen, how about I give you my water bottle? Then, you can put it on your side table; after which, I want you to climb I not bed with me and Andy." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that was what he wanted as well. He wants to get in bed with his wife, and service dog. "I love that idea." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Maybe I can take a nap." Matt smiled at Gabby. "Seriously?"

Gabby smiled as Matt asked her that because he knows her too well. "You're right, there's no way that I'm going to sleep." Matt nodded as he heard Gabby say that, before moving to open the covers; after which, he climbed into bed with the woman he loves so that they can lay down in bed with each other. At the same time, Matt sat up and a bit and leaned back against his pillow. Turning his head, Matt smiled as he looked at his beautiful wife; the wife that he wanted to hold in his arms, while she rests in his arms for a bit. "Come here beautiful, come lay down in my arms so that we can relax with each other." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before crawling over to him so that she can lay down in his arms; just like he wants her to do. And she had to say, it was quite comfortable; especially after she slipped her legs in between his, just like she always does when she lays down in Matt's arms (not that he wouldn't want her to do anything other than that). "God, I am so glad that you always do that when we're in bed together."

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