Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 2

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Leaning back against Matt's chest after sitting down in between his legs and cuddling up to him in his lap; Gabby smiled as she leaned her head back against his chest, while Matt wrapped his arm around her. After which, he put his hand out for Gabby to grab, which is something that Gabby always wants to do when they hold each other close, so it's just second nature now what it comes to what they do with each other as they sit with each other. And boy was this nice, so he's more than happy to be holding Gabby like this; but before he could really be happy, was that he had to ask his beautiful wife whether she was comfortable. Turning his head, Matt smiled as he kissed the side of her head before whispering in her ear. "Comfortable?" Smiling as Matt asked her whether she was comfortable, Gabby nodded her head because she most certain was comfortable as they sat down together like this. "What do you expect? I'm sitting in your arms, and holding you close to me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I mean, what's better than us doing this?" Matt just laughed as he turned his head and kissed the side of her head, which she loved.

And Matt knew that more than anything, which is the entire reason why he was holding her like this; as he also wrapped his legs around hers, and just held her close. After which, he turned his head and looked out at the ocean; and he had to say, he loves the feeling of this. The feeling of him holding his wife in his arms, as they both look at the ocean together. "I'm surprised that we haven't sat down out here yet today? Because I know that I most definitely do like this feeling." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling as he reached over to grab the plate that they had out with the appetizers. More specifically, some mini sandwiches that would give her protein while they wait for supper to arrive, which is something that Gabby appreciated, as she needed to eat. Grabbing a sandwich, Gabby proceeded to take a bit and smiled due to the fact that this is exactly what they need for the sake of their girls. "So, what are you thinking of our anniversary plans so far?" Gabby smirked as Matt asked her whether she's enjoying their anniversary plans. "Let me see, I have my husband alone with me as we celebrate three years of marriage." Matt smiled and agreed.

"I think that's all I really need to tell you the truth. I have you with me, and we're spending a bunch of time with each other; and that's all I really need for our anniversary, even though we're mourning." Taking a breath as he heard Gabby say that, Matt was well aware of the fact that they were still morning; and he couldn't help but wonder whether she needed to talk to him about that still, and that was why she was in the midst of bringing it up to him right now. So, he decided to just grab a party favor; after which, he went to take a bite of the little mini quiche that was set out there. He then went ahead and kissed the side of Gabby's head. "Are you still thinking about that?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was still thinking about the miscarriage, as it was going to be on her mind for a while. "Sorry if I'm thinking about it." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head and pressing his lips to her forehead. "Hey, look up at me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, doing just that for her husband.

"You never need to apologize for wanting to talk about the miscarriage, because I'm always going to be here. You're my wife, I love you, and it's my job to help you; if you need to talk about it to me, then you always can." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case; after which, she decided to roll over and just cuddle up to her amazing husband some more...well, as much as she could in this dress. But still, it was perfect; and Matt was really happy that this is what they're in the midst of doing right now, as Gabby is always comfortable when she's in his arms. Running his hand down her back, Matt smiled as he kissed her forehead softly as they both held each other close. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I love you too Matt, and I am so glad that this is exactly what we need to do." Matt smirked due to the fact that this is all they need to do as they celebrate with each other, before moving to wrap his arm around her back as they both held each other close; and god, he loves it.

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