Moaning Sleepy Head

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of today's chapters so far? I hope that you guys are enjoying them and are ready for some more chapters; starting with these ones, which are going to be chapters that take place at the hospital. Because yes, I need to check on one of our couples at the hospital after; and that family would be the Halstead family, whom are still there with their kids. Hope you guys enjoy these chapters and let me know what you guys think of the chapters. Thanks again for reading my dear readers.

Halstead NICU Room, Kapiolani-Tripler AMC – He was currently in the midst of spending some quality time with his beautiful daughter this morning, holding her on his chest as they cuddle up to each other in the hospital room; the two of them both being extremely happy over the fact that they can finally hold each other. Well, that's what Jay thinks Olivia is thinking about right now; just how comfortable he is as she cuddles up to her daddy, especially as she gets to have some real quality time with him now. Time that she hasn't been able to get with him since she was born a month ago, and that was the real reason that Jay was so happy right now; because he was finally able to do this with her, and just get some time with his daughter. Kissing the top of her head, Jay just smiled due to the fact that this is something that they have both been waiting to do for ages; and it's also been something that Alex has been waiting to see, but she can't right now. And that's due to the fact that she's sleeping at the moment, which she plans on doing for as long as she can; right now, Alex can concentrate on resting, while he and the nurses (and doctors) take care of Michael and Olivia.

And that's something that Jay is actually grateful for, because it means that she can get the rest that she needs; and so that her body can continue to recover, which it is doing right now. And now, she has the ability to work out, which Alex is very grateful for, but Jay isn't. Now let me explain what he means by that, because we both know that's a statement that doesn't really make sense; I mean, what husband wouldn't want their wife to get their body back into shape? Especially Jay, who has seen the benefits of working out in front of his boys; and not just the physical benefits that come with working out, because we all know that Jay loves being in shape. Especially when it leads to him getting lucky in bed with the woman he loves, not that he expects to get lucky anytime soon; that being due to the fact that they are still going to be recovering from they get home from the hospital: both from the physical aftermath of giving birth, and the mental aftermath that comes from giving birth to twins prematurely. And that's actually something that Jay still has on his mind each and every day, the worry that comes with Alex having given birth prematurely to their twins Michael and Olivia.

Heaven knows that is still a day that's stuck in the back of his mind, and the pure fear that was on his wife's face the entire day; the fear of having to give birth to their twins prematurely, because her own father got her all worked up. And that then led her to go into premature birth, and as a result; she had to give birth prematurely at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, before being transferred here to Honolulu's Kapiolani-Tripler Army Medical Center (with the help of Matt and the army). Yes, the army helped them get transferred here; and that's due to the fact that he still has benefits thanks to the VA, including benefits that help him with his PTSD. But right now, that's not what Jay is concentrating on; rather, he's currently concentrating on the sweet cuddles (and kisses) that he's sharing with his beautiful daughter, Olivia Marie Halstead. And yes if you're asking; she's named after Alex's friend from NYPD Captain Olivia Benson. In fact, he's actually in the midst of texting her right now; and that's due to the fact that she wants some updates on them, the Captain being a bit concerned over the fact that everything that's happened over the past couple months.... her being close to Alex.

Olivia: I'm glad that you guys are all doing better, especially after what Hank did. I am still shocked that he even did that to Alex because I know that he loves her like a daughter; so, I am just so terrified over what happened. For that to have happened to her is horrible, and I am so disappointed in him. And let's just say that he got a stern talking to from me, especially since I'm an SVU detective. Speaking of which, are you guys going to report that to the HPD? Or are you guys going to keep it between family?

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