Daddy Likes...Holding you in his Arms

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They ended up not walking by their children's cribs on their way to bed, as they were just too hormonal to take the extra time to do so; rather, they wanted to go ahead and just get in bed with each other. They wanted to climb into bed, so that they could start doing something that they truly love doing. And that would be holding each other close, in each other's arms; but that was not the only thing that they were in the midst of doing, as they were also taking things nice and slow with each other (as they shared a sweet kiss together). A kiss that they love to enjoy with each other, for the simple fact that it was their quiet way to say 'I love you' to each other. It was the only action that was needed for them to tell each other that they love each other, and that was because of the way that they kissed each other; the depth of the kiss, and the feelings that were behind the way their lips (and bodies) moved against one another's as they shared a kiss. Moves that are just incredible, and that they are both happy they are in the midst of doing for each other; especially Jay, as Alex is calming him down simply by moving her body against the way she does right now. God, so sexy.

It almost makes him want to moan, but he knows that he can't do that right now; not when the twins are in their room, so close to them that they'll be able to hear Jay moan. And if he does it loud enough, then it'll wake them up; and that's the last thing that either of the parents want to happen right now, as they want to take time with each other. They want to hold each other close, and they want to make sure that they have a bunch of fun with each other; but they can only do that if Michael and Olivia are asleep, because they have to be their parents when they're awake...not that they're complaining. The thing that Jay and Alex love more than anything in the entire world, is being Michael and Olivia's parents. And that's a fact that nobody can ever deny, as they love their children more than life itself. Ever heard somebody say "I'd take a bullet for my child if I had to."? Well, that's how Alex and Jay felt when it came to their children. They mean the world to them, and they are ready and willing to protect them at all costs. They are their worlds, and their priorities. So, they are going to protect them at all costs...while they also enjoy themselves while doing it, as they are right now.

I mean, what husband doesn't want to take things nice and slow with his wife; as long as they have to chance to do so, while not having to take care of their beautiful children. If Jay has a chance to do this with Alex, then he's going to take whatever chance he has to do it. But that doesn't mean that he's going to go fast, as he also knows that Alex is still recovering from giving birth; both physically, and emotionally. And the last thing that Jay wants her to do is push it, then she may injure herself; and that's the last thing he wants her to do, both as the father of her children...and as the man who loves her more than anything in the entire world, her husband. And when he says in the entire world, he means it; he loves Alex, even more than his own children. And that will always be the case, as they have had a connection since they were first partnered up together in intelligence; and now, they have an even deeper connection as husband-and wife, as well as Michael and Olivia's parents. And while that connection has been tested lately, with them having to really deal with some hard things in the hospital; Jay believes that they're now stronger than they've ever been in the past.

For the simple fact that they've really had to deal with a lot lately, and Jay wants to make sure that Alex knows how proud of her he truly is; especially when she had to give birth prematurely in Los Angeles, and the way she just took everything in stride was the best thing that he's ever seen. Heck, it's why he's been waiting to do this for so long; because he wants to show his wife how much he loves her, and how much he truly admires her. When Jay says that Alex is the love of his life, he means every word of that sentiment; and he'll always mean every word in that phrase. "God, I am so in love with you." Laughing a bit as she heard Jay tell her that, Alex agreed with her husband; after all, she knew that was a fact a long time ago. "Jay, you can relax. I already know that." Taking a breath as he ran his hand up and down Alex's back, Jay agreed with his wife; but at the same time, he does want to talk to her about how much he truly means what he just said. He wants to explain to her how he feels, as he hasn't had a chance to do it yet, which is why he decided to roll over and just lay Alex down on his side, while also moving closer to her so that they can talk to each other right now. 

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now