GABBY DREAM: One Year Later

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting today's second chapter out to you guys, but I ended up getting a bit lost as to where I wanted to take the story after last chapter. I'm just glad that I got the main message out, and that was that they were going to stop at four: their twin boys Noah and Matteo, and their twin girls. But now, I think I have a way to go forward; and I hope you enjoy. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to see what you guys think of his chapter (which will be shorter than normal). Enjoy.

December 7, 2020 – Casey Penthouse, Honolulu
She asked Matt to spend the night at the penthouse, as she thought that he was going to want to go to work today; even though it was the day after their fourth wedding anniversary, which they spent most of the day enjoying each other in bed. But the truth was, Matt didn't want to go anywhere this Monday morning. Because he would much rather be here this Monday morning, with his beautiful wife of four years, their 19-month-old twin boys Matteo and Noah, and their (almost) 9-month-old twin daughters Bella and Sofia. And boy does Matt love his girls, and not just his daughters; he of course also means his beautiful wife, Gabriela Marie Casey. If anything, he loves her the most; because she's the love of his life, and the mother of his beautiful children. And that's something that she's going to be for the rest of their lives, just like how they're going to be waking up in each other's arms for the rest of their lives; and hopefully, it's without the two of them being disturbed by their children...just like they are right now, because they are all with their grandmas.

And even better, they are just a few floors away on the twenty-fifth floor of the building, which means that they are just four floors below their parents, who are currently in their bedroom on the twenty-ninth floor. And let's just say that Matt is so happy that he's still here with his gorgeous wife, as she is currently naked on his chest; fast asleep, while also snoring a bit. And god, it's just so adorable; and it makes her love her so much, which is something that he wants to tell her so bad. But right now, he needs to let her sleep. Well, that would be the case...if Gabby was even asleep in the first place; but the reality is, that she isn't asleep. And that was how Gabby knew that Matt was still here, when he should be down in his office right now; because that's something that they're okay with, even though they are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sure, they need to stay safe and distant at times; but that's actually why they're living at the office, because they created something called a "bubble". A safe set of friends that they can see, and work with.

And luckily for Matt, those people just so happen to all be the senior executives in his company; and they work together when they need to, at the office, rat her than bringing their work home. And that, well that's just paradise; being able to leave work downstairs, that's exactly what he needs to do for the health of his marriage. He needs to be able to have a healthy life, and a happy sex life. And that's exactly what he and Gabby have, for now; you see, there's something that you don't exactly know. Right now, Matt may be awake; but that also means that somebody else is awake, and really waiting for Matt to wake up too. And if you guessed that was Andy, you'd be right. The canine was currently sitting down on his dog bed, wide awake and just waiting for his human owner to take him out to the bathroom, which he needs to do manually when they live at the penthouse, not that Matt minds. Because at the end of the day, he'd rather pick his family's health over ease of living. But now, Matt has to do the last thing he wants to do.

He needs to get up out of bed, and he just hopes that he can do it without waking Gabby up. So, here he goes. Rolling over onto his side, Matt carefully went to lay Gabby down on her side of the bed; after which, he just stopped and let her get comfortable. He knew that she was still asleep, and he hoped that she would stay asleep as that would make things much easier when he had to get up and move the bed in the process. But first, he needs to get Andy out of their room. Looking at Andy, Matt pointed to the door so that he could get him out of his room. Pointing to the door, Matt went to whisper to Andy. "Downstairs. Go downstairs and wait for me." Getting up off his bed, Andy barked as he went to go downstairs. And let's just say that was not what Matt wanted his service dog to do. "ANDY!" And just as expected, Gabby rolled over and put her hand on Matt's chest. "Hey baby, wake up for me. It's okay. You're here in Hawaii, with me..." Turning his head as he heard Gabby say that, he took a breath. "I'm already awake."

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