Twins Again?

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the dream that I just wrote for you guys? Do you guys think that's what I should follow? Well, let me know what you guys think; and maybe I'll do just that for you guys, but for now...I want to just keep this going, because we're going to have a nice conversation about this. I mean, I think we both know that Matt and Gabby need to have a conversation about this. So, how about we go do that right now? So, here's Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five; a direct follow up to the dream.

Casey HQ – Floor 26: Casey Penthouse Kitchen
She was currently struggling with the dream, the dream that she just had after having just made love to the man of her dreams; and the implications that came with what it would mean, if it were true. If she was actually pregnant with twin girls, their daughters Bella and Emily. Those were their names, the names that they gave their daughters in their dreams; and that was something that she actually enjoyed about the dream, the dreams that they would be pregnant with twin daughters. But there was something that she didn't like, and that was the implications that it meant; and how she's been taking care of herself while she was pregnant, and whether she's been taking in enough nutrients. Whether she's been eating enough, so that she can make sure that she's feeding both of the twins equally; and that was why she was currently in the kitchen, eating something ahead of Matt making them some lunch. So that she could get some extra nutrients in her, nutrients that she was going to need if she was pregnant with twins again.

But Matt just wishes that she would've told him, told him that she went downstairs; as he was currently worried about her, because he thought that she went back down to the ELLA store that she was trying to set up. So, here he was dressed once again (in the same clothes that he was wearing when he went to find her this morning), and ready to go down to the store so that he could see if Gabby was in there. But before he could leave the penthouse, he heard Gabby speak to him. "Just where do you think you're going Mister? I hope it's not to the office." Turning to look at Gabby as he walked through the kitchen, Matt was a bit taken aback. "Hey, sorry; I just thought..." Gabby laughed a bit as she heard Matt say that, well aware of what he was thinking. "You were thinking that I was back downstairs, working on the store?" Matt sighed as Gabby said that because that was exactly what he was thinking. Walking over to his girl in the kitchen, Matt smiled as he made his way over to her at the bar; after which, he smiled at her this morning.

Moving his hand to the back of her head, Matt smiled as he kissed her forehead softly. "I'm glad that you're still here, because I was worried there." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling at him, before taking a breath; after which, Matt looked at his wife as he thought that there was something that she was omitting right now. And that would be the real reason why she was down here right now, why she was in the kitchen; rather than being in bed with him this morning, and why she didn't tell him that she needs to eat right now. "Okay, I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that there's a reason why you're down here; other than the fact that you're hungry and need to have a snack right now?" Gabby took a breath, and agreed with the mans he loves; because that was the exact reason why she was down here right now, and why she wasn't in bed. "Is everything okay baby?" Gabby took a breath before looking down as she put her hand on her stomach, and let's just say that was something that really got Matt worried. "Hey, Bella okay?"

Gabby took a breath when Matt asked her that, before looking up at the man she loves. "They're fine, I just have something on my mind right now." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, clearly able to see that she has something on her mind; something that she needs to share with him, but she seems to be struggling with something right now. "Baby, you're struggling with something; and we both know that when you struggle with something, you need to talk to me. And since you're struggling right now, you need to talk to me baby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as she knew that she needed to talk to him; however, this was not where she wanted to do it. Rather, she wanted to do it somewhere she would be comfortable; and that would either be their bedroom, or their living room/the kids' future playroom. "Okay, I promise to tell you what's going on." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "But I don't want to talk about it down here?" Matt smiled at his beautiful wife. "Let me guess, you want to go back up to bed?"

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