The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Cuddling (2)

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She still loves the sight of her husband walking around in his tight boxers, because it's so damn sexy; the way that he walks around in his tight boxers, and just shows off for him. He knows that this turns her on more than anything, which is why he took his time walking back over to her in bed; and that prompted Gabby to shake her head, because her husband had to know. He had to know that this was turning her on right now. And that just wasn't fair. The way that he was turning her on, and that wasn't what she wanted right now; but she couldn't do anything about it, because he was going to continue doing it until he was in bed with the woman he loves. And that, well that just pisses her off more than anything in the entire world; and Matt knows that too. "I swear, you are really playing with deadly fire right now man." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before making his way over to their bed. "And I think that you know that I'd rather play with that fire, than not tease you right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling at her.

He then proceeded to make his way over to Gabby's side of the bed, that way he could give her the snack/early lunch that he made for her. And just what might that be? Well, that would be a nice grilled cheese. Yes, you herd that right. A grilled cheese. Matt just hopes that Gabby is okay with that. "I hope that this is okay for a snack." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt ask her whether a grilled cheese was okay with her for a snack. "Oh, I am more than okay with having a grilled cheese for a snack; especially since my dreamy husband, who is really turning me on, made it for me in his tight boxers." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, well aware that was the case; especially since it's always the case. He always turns Gabby on when he's just wearing his boxers, which is why he wears his boxers when he can. "Well, why do you think I'm just wearing my boxers?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, watching as he got ready to join her in bed (with the plate); while also closing her iPad, which she was using as she revised something that she was just getting.

However, Matt could just tell that she was looking at something related to work; and he was determined to know just what it was. "Okay, I think we both know what you were just in the midst of doing; and you aren't going to deny that you were looking at it, especially not when you would be just as disappointed in me if I looked at work stuff today." Gabby sighed as she heard Matt say that, before watching as we went to give her a new water bottle. "Thanks for reminding me to come back and grab them." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, more than okay with reminding him to do just that. "It's okay baby, just put your water bottle down and then come to join me in the water..." Realizing what she just said, Gabby snickered a bit. "Okay, what?" Shaking her head, Gabby looked up at the man she loves. "How about you just come get in bed with me? Then you can understand what I meant by that." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to get in bed with the woman he loves; ready to hold her close to him, as they relax.

"Here we go with your snack/lunch. And just to let you know, this is the last meal that I need to get up for." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, not understanding what he meant by that. "Okay, what do you mean by that?" Matt smirked as he heard Gabby ask him that before going to get close to his wife; after which, he leaned in and stole a quick kiss from her. "Something that you don't need to worry about because it's part of your anniversary surprises. Just like what me and you are going to do after we have lunch....well, right after I get back from doing the dishes; and see what you have to show me on your iPad." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before going to grab the grilled cheese. Taking a bit, Gabby smiled as it really did taste good. "God, this tastes good." Matt snickered a bit as he heard gabby say that, well aware that was the case. "Now, I want to just say that there was another reason I was on my iPad; it's due to the fact that my mom texted me something." Matt looked at Gabby as she said that. "Matteo's crawling."


He was a bit surprised as he heard his wife tell him that Matteo was now crawling, just like his brother; and boy did that mean that they were in trouble, because it mean that both of their sons were now mobile. Something that they most certainly aren't ready for, and that they need to see for themselves, which is something that Gabby is about to show him, just as soon as Matt comes back to bed (again). Yes, you heard that right; Matt left bed again, so that he could put the dishes in the kitchen. But she was okay with that, as it just meant that she got a chance to see the video a few more times before Matt; after all, what's better than watching some of your son's milestones. Though, she had to admit; she would've liked to have seen it in person, and that's making her think about the boys. And it's also making her miss them a bit, but she knows that they're doing the right thing right now; as they need some time as husband and wife, as they celebrate three years of marriage. Shocked it's still been that long. I mean, three years of marriage?

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now