Introducing the Reese Family

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys, but I had to do something before I got it out to you; and that would be putting the final touches on the character information, as well as what I want to cover in this chapter. And that's due to the fact that I am starting up a new storyline, more related to the activities of the business; as well as their staff, and the projects that they're assigned to work on. And that's why there's a delay. But now, I hope that you guys like this new chapter of the story.

Home of Luke and Sarah Reese, West Loch Estates – He was trying to be quiet, trying to be as quiet as possible while he took a shower shortly after getting home from the gym; the gym that they have as part of their benefits, at the office. And that was why his wife was originally mad at him this morning, before he left to go to the office, which is also the place where he works out, on this Saturday morning. She was mad because she forgot that the gym was there, and they ended up getting into a big fight; and Sarah felt absolutely horrible about that, especially since she loves her husband more than anything in the entire world...and because she really should be resting right now, because she's still recovering after giving birth to their daughter Amelia a month earlier (her birthday is September twenty-ninth). She just hopes that she didn't make Luke too mad, because she doesn't want to be in a bad place with him; especially not when she's still dependent on him for a while. So, she just hoped that he would let her in; into the shower with him.

That way, they could hold each other close; and they could talk, and even yell (if they need to) without waking up their baby girl. Because that was the last thing that she wanted to do, she didn't want to wake their daughter up; and she just wanted to make sure that they relax, and that they were okay with each other. Because that's what matters at the end of the day, that they're okay; and that their marriage is strong. She just hopes that, as she just said; that he's going to let her in, which is something that can happen right now. Walking up to the shower this afternoon, Sarah smiled as she proceeded to open the door to the shower; at the same time, she looks at her beautiful husband. The husband who is just so damn muscular, and so damn handsome; that it makes her hard to really be mad at him. And that's the last feeling that she has right now, especially when she cried a bit, which was something that her husband could clearly see as he looked into her eyes after turning around. Taking a breath, Luke looked at his beautiful wife. "Hey."

Sarah agreed with her designer husband as he said that, just staying quiet as she does know what to say; and that was due to the fact that she was nervous, and she just wanted to figure things out with her husband. "Have you been crying?" Sarah looked down as Luke asked her whether she was crying, because she was and she just...well, she didn't know what she needed right now. Heck, she didn't even know what she could get form her husband. "You know, this is stupid; I shouldn't have thought that you would want me in here in the first place." Going to get close to the door, Luke reached out for his wife before she could turn around and walk away; but rather than turn around and walk away, Sarah turned to face her husband so that they could take a minute and look at each other. At the same time, Luke smiled at her. "Listen, how about you just take a breath and come here? Come join me in the shower babe." Sarah smiled as she heard her dreamy husband say that, before proceeding to join her long-time love. But just how long? Too long to count.

Oh boy, the stories that Sarah could tell you about Mr. Luke Reese; the love of her life, whom she's been in love since she first saw him take off that helmet of his on the football field. Meanwhile, she was that typical cheerleader who fell in love with the stereotypical jock. But their relationship was different, a relationship that's based on faith and a common set of belief system; a religious background, even though they aren't a church-going couple. But that didn't mean that they didn't get Amelia baptized, das they do still believe in that; the belief in a higher power, and that God will protect not just you...but everybody that you love if you're baptized. And that's exactly what they're going to believe for the rest of their lives, and they're both happy about that; well, if only they could talk. Getting close to her husband as she joined him in the shower, Sarah smiled as she got close to him and wrapped her arms around his torso; meanwhile, Luke moved his hand to the side of her face and smiled at her. After which, he kissed her softly this afternoon.

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