Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Dream, Pt. 2

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Walking out of the bathroom shortly after getting ready for bed, Matt smiled at the sight of his beautiful wife laying down in their bed; just waiting for him to join her, like she always does at night. Well, if she's the one that's in bed first, which she (nine times out of ten) is, due to the fact that she's the one that's much more tired. She's the one who's pregnant with their daughters, and that means that she's much more tired on a regular basis. However, that isn't the case for him; as he has more energy to use up, mostly by taking Andy out to go to the washroom. God, that service dog of his really does need a lot of attention; and he also needs a lot of energy. And that's something that he's going to have much less of when they have the girls, which he's more than ready to meet; god, just the idea of him being able to hold his daughter on his chest makes him smile. But at the same time, it makes him sad; as he knows that there was also a chance for him to hold a newborn baby boy again, a chance that won't happy because of circumstances you're aware of.

But Matt's made peace with the situation, as he knows that he can't go back and change anything about it now; rather, he can just live in the moment and make sure that he takes care of his family. The family he loves more than anything in the entire world, starting with his beautiful wife, Ms. Gabriela Casey. And god, the way she's laying down in bed right now; well, that's just something that really makes him smile. And Matt can only imagine that she's well aware of. Turning her head to look at Matt, Gabby smirked as she could see that Matt was liking the sight that was in front of him; the sight of her in bed, just laying down like this...ahead of the two of them cuddling up to each other in bed. And that's something that Gabby is more than ready to do with the man she loves, cuddle up to him in bed as they hold each other close, which is everything that they both want to do right now. They want to cuddle up to each other, and they want to hold each other close in bed. "You ready to get in bed with me?" Matt snickered and agreed with his wife.

"Is it that obvious that I'm ready to get in bed with you?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether it's THAT obvious that he's ready to get in bed with her, because it is quite obvious, for the simple fact that he's basically ogling at her. He's staring at her, as she wears the lingerie (which she's wearing on purpose). And that purpose would be to make him get in bed with her and hold her close to him for the rest of the day; until they fall asleep, in each other's arms. That's what they both want to do tonight, they want to hold each other until they fall asleep in each other's arms; anyways, what's better than that? "Yes, yes it is. Matt, you're staring at me in my lingerie." Matt agreed with Gabby as she mentioned that he's staring at her in her lingerie, but can you blame him? His wife is gorgeous, and she's wearing some lingerie for him, which is why he actually made his way over to her side of their bed, rather than go to his side of the bed. That way, he can sit down next to her. "Oh, does someone want to sit right next to me tonight?"

Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he wants to be right next to her, because he wants her to be in the center of their bed; that's where he always wants her to sleep, especially the further along she gets into the pregnancy. If she's in the center of their bed, then there's less risk of her falling out of bed. Yes, is the chance of her falling out of bed low? Of course, it is. But that doesn't mean that Matt still doesn't want to protect her from the chance of her falling out of their bed, because he does; he doesn't want to take any risks when it comes to her pregnancy, for the rest of the time that she's pregnant....and he also doesn't want her to climb out of the bed without letting him know. If she doesn't let him know that she's out of bed, that means that she can let her head spin for hours; and that means that she can think of bad things. "It also means that you're stuck in bed with me tonight, and you can't get out." Gabby took a breath as she heard Matt say that, well aware of the reason why that was going to be the case; because she knows him.

Matt doesn't want her to get out of bed, and he doesn't want her to go wandering around the house; where she'll take the time to think, because that's what she always does in the middle of the night (if she's awake). "You know me too well." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; setting his phone down on his charger, Matt then smiled as he looked at the woman he loves (while standing next to their bed). And while he was ready to get in bed, that didn't mean that he was done everything that he had to do before he got in bed; rather, he still had to do one more thing. Getting close to the side of the bed, he watched as Gabby slipped over in bed; however, that was the last thing that he wanted to do. And that's why he went ahead and stopped her. "Hey, not yet." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, before watching as he just got close to her side of the bed. After which, he smiled as he looked at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world.

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