The First ELLA Products

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the second chapter of Matt and Gabby's anniversary? Well, I hope you liked it; and the cliff-hanger that I left you guys on. Now, I know what you're wondering; what surprise is Matt ready to give her? Well, find out now.

He just finished bringing his and Gabby's plates downstairs, where they belong frankly; after all, they are done eating and they have no use being up here anymore when they're just going to be taking it easy. Well, not just taking it easy; and there's a reason why they're not JUST going to be taking it easy, a reason that Matt is really going to like. He just hopes that she isn't mad at him at the same time, because there is a reason why Gabby could also be a little mad at him; related to the fact that he's been hiding something that she's been wanting to see since they started the company, and since she started sketching for ELLA Apparel. And just what might those things be? Well, that would be the first products that she can start sending out...and the first products that they can start displaying on the first floor of the boutique that they have at the headquarters, which they most certainly will do; along with some other prototypes which Gabby is going to have to create. I mean, hopefully she can create them. Because that's something that he wants to do for her. He wants to get them out as soon as he can, and make sure that they are done properly; and as soon as possible, to get some income.

But of course, that isn't his main reason to do it (even though it is a good one); the main reason that he wants to do it, is that he wants Gabby to see the results of all the hard work (and stress) that's been coming with starting to create the line. And since they are starting to get products, she's going to be able to do that simply by visiting the boutique downstairs. But first, Matt's going to show her the new products that they can now sell, here in their room. And just what might that be? Well, it would be the first product for the ELLA Apparel Sports Line that she's designed with the assistance of Mario Jacobs, who has done a great job to tell you the truth, and Matt is just so glad that everything has gone so smoothly. It's something that he's been worried about since they started the company, but it's no longer (as much as) a worry as they now have the first products. But before they can officially start selling them, Matt needs to get something else; and that would be the approval of the President and Senior Deputy CEO of the company, the head of ELLA Apparel. And he truly believes that's something that he'll already get, because the product looks really nice; and he really likes it.

But one thing that Matt didn't like, was the look that was currently on Gabby's face; as she seems to be annoyed that he took so long, rightfully so. After all, she wants to spend time with him on their anniversary; and as much as she loves the sight of him walking around in those tight boxers of his, she would rather he be in bed with her rather than walking around the house. But now, he's back; and that has to mean something, that he's going to get in bed for the final time again. "I hope that this means that I can finally be guaranteed that I'm going to have my husband in bed for the rest of the day, and that I'm not going to have to be disturbed by him having to get up again." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head to look at Andy (who was currently laying down at the end of their bed); whom they both know that he's going to have to take out eventually, so that he doesn't go in the house...because they both know that's something that Gabby will most definitely not enjoy. "I think we both know that you'd rather I take him out, than have him go in the house." Turning her head to look at Andy, Gabby smiled and agreed with Matt. "Good point."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that he just made a good point. "Plus, I think we both know that you can wait to have me back; because there's something that I just got, that you have been waiting ages to get." Gabby was a bit confused as she heard Matt say that, as she also looked at the box that was currently in his hands. "What's that?" Matt smirked as he went ahead and proceeded to give it to Gabby. "How about you open it when I'm in bed, and holding you close? Because I think that once you see it, you're going to be extremely happy that we finally have it." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, ready to trust the man she loves; after all, he is somebody that she can trust explicitly with everything that he promises her. And that's especially the case when it comes to ELLA, as he's just as determined as her to ensure that the company is successful. And not just for his sake, but for her sake; he wants Gabby to be able to say that she's the head of a profitable company, because that's something that he can already see happening. She's going to make money with this business, and he can't wait to be there when she makes her first million dollars.

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