Comfort Cuddles

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The lunch that she and Matt just had was truly exactly what they both wanted. They both wanted to have that nice pasta, while they also wanted to hold each other close; and as soon as Matt comes back upstairs from the kitchen, that's exactly what they're both going to do with each other. They're going to cuddle up to each other, and they're going to make sure that they relax. But first, they are going to just make sure that Matt gets comfortable. And just how are they going to do that? Well, that's by him taking off his shirt, before he climbs into bed with the woman of his dreams; but little did Gabby know, that the first part of that process was already done as he made his way upstairs. Something that she only found out, as he walked into their room clad in nothing but his boxers. And let's just say that most definitely was something that Gabby enjoyed the sight of, because there's nothing like the sight of her husband walking into their room clad in nothing but his boxers; I mean, he's so damn sexy...and this is the exact sight that she wanted to see right now. And that was something that Matt knew, based solely on the way that she was looking at him right now. "You like?"

Snickering a bit as she heard Matt ask her whether she liked the sight that was in front of her, she nodded as she most definitely did like the sight of her loving husband walking into their room in nothing but his boxers; after all, that was the most comfortable way for the two of them to cuddle up to each other. For him to be wearing boxers, while she's wearing some lingerie; and that was exactly what they're both going to be wearing as they cuddle up to each other, in their bed. And that's where they need to be right now, while they hold each other close. And that's the reason why Matt made sure to grab all of his electronics and brought them up to their room. He then walked over to the living room area in their room so that he could set his electronics down. "I just brought this up here so that I could make sure that they were here." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that he does have to work sometimes; and that it's also something that she already agreed to, on the condition that he stays in their room. "As long as you stay up here while you work, then I'm okay with that." Walking up to the table they have in their living room, Matt set his electronics down.

After which, he set his shirt down on the couch (while also standing up); at the same time, he turned around and looked at the woman he's proud to call his beautiful wife (and the love of his life). "I promise, because I feel horrible for even having gone downstairs in the first place now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before opening the covers so that she could invite him to join her in bed; and that's something that he's more than ready to do, as he wants to cuddle up to his wife and just hold her in his arms. He wants to cuddle up to her, and he wants to make sure that they relax with each other right now. They just want to make sure that they relax with each other. "You know that I never meant to make you mad that I was gone." Gabby shook her head when Matt mentioned that he thought that she was mad, as she wasn't mad; actually, that was the last thing that she was. And there's a reason why that's the case, and it's due to the fact that he's trying to give people the means and ways to change their lives for the better; at the same time, he's also trying to give back to their fellow first responders, who deal with horrible things each and every day.

"Baby, don't even worry about that, I mean that." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, before making his way right up to her side of the bed; after all, that's where they both want to be right now. They want to be in bed with each other, and they just want to cuddle up to each other; that way, they can make sure that they both relax with each other. And right now, they just want to hold each other in bed. "So, you want me to wrap my arm around you and just hold you close for a while?" Gabby laughed as Matt asked her if that was what she wanted, as that most definitely is exactly what she wants him to do; she wants him to wrap his arm around her, and she wants to make sure that they both just took some time to hold each other close in bed. "I want to hold you in my arms, and make sure that we relax with each other; especially since I want you to grieve with me baby, because I know that you are still thinking about that." Taking a breath, Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that; after which, he went to grab the blankets that were on top of her. Opening them, Matt smiled as he proceeded to climb into bed with the woman he loves; then he can comfort her.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now