Quality Time at the Beach, Part 1B

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Moving to sit down in Matt's lap as soon as he got himself comfortable, Gabby smiled due to the fact that this was extremely comfortable; but that was simply due to the fact that she was always comfortable whenever she was in Matt's arms, as she should be. She should always be comfortable in her husband's arms, the moment she cuddles up to him; especially when he moves his hands right to where she wants them to be, and when he takes his phone out of his pocket (which means that he can't be disturbed). "Just curious, are you going to keep it on?" Matt smiled as he set his phone down on the little table that they have attached to the beach chair, before turning his head and kissing the side of her head (as he moved his hands to her stomach). "Only for family, which means that we can only be reached if the boys need us." Moving her hands to Matt's hands, Gabby smiled as she heard that; and that was due to the fact that it was exactly what she wanted to hear. She wanted to hear that, as she wants to have time with Matt.

"I'm glad, because that's what I want to have right now." Turning his head, Matt then proceeded to whisper in Gabby's ear. "You want to have my full attention right now, don't you?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she wanted to have his full attention, as that was exactly what she wanted to have. "Is that okay?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him that question, before kissing the side of her head once again; after which, he turned his head and whispered into her ear. "Of course, it is Gabby, and I don't want you to feel guilty about wanting this; because you need this right now, we both do." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; she just hates the reason why that's the case, which is that she had a partial miscarriage. "I just keep thinking that we're really unlucky when it comes to the fact that we lost another baby." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; after which, he proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. "It's still on your mind right now? Isn't it?" Gabby sighed.

However, that was not what Matt wanted to hear; rather, he just wanted to hear her breathe and relax. So, he ended up wrapping his arm around her and moving his hand to the side of her face so that he could kiss her, which is exactly what Gabby both wanted, and needed him to do right now. She needs him to kiss her, and just take things nice and slow with her, which he promptly did as soon as he was close enough to kiss her, and just make her feel loved. And boy did Gabby feel loved by the man of her dreams right now. She felt extremely loved, and she was just so happy that this is what they're both in the midst of doing with each other; they're holding each other close and sharing a sweet kiss with each other right now. "God, I love it when you do that Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Why do you think that I just kissed you like that?" Gabby laughed, smiling at the man of her dreams; after which, he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt.

"I love you too Matt, and I'm glad that we're here." Going to grab the sunscreen which he plans to put on his beautiful wife's body, Matt smirked as he went ahead and opened it so that he can squirt it into his hands, which he promptly did, as he didn't want to waste time with doing anything other than running his hands all over her beautiful body. Moving his hands to her body, Matt smirked as he went ahead and started to run his hands all over her body; and that most definitely was something that Gabby was enjoying, as it gave her a chance to have some intimate time here with her husband, as they sit on the beach with each other. And it also gives her a chance to just breathe and try to forget just what's going on in their life right now; all the stressful parts that are on her mind right now, including the fact that she's currently carrying their lifeless son inside of her. And just thinking about that led to Gabby starting to cry and roll over onto Matt's chest (so that she was cuddling up to him); and let's just say that confused Matt. "Hey, what...."

Moving his hand to Gabby's neck to push her head up, Matt soon realized why she just rolled over; by feeling the tears that were rolling down her cheek, he could just tell that something was wrong. And that was why he didn't move for a moment, and just held the woman he loves in his arms; trying to make her feel better. He then kissed the top of her head and whispered to her. "Jackson?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her if she was thinking about Jackson right now, as she was. "And the fact that I'm still carrying him inside of me." Matt nodded as he heard Gabby say that, well aware that was the case. He then proceeded to bend down and kissed the top of her head. "Do you want to do anything? Maybe we get in the water and talk in there?" Gabby agreed with Matt, as that's exactly what she wants to do right now; she wants to move into the water. "Just finish with the sunscreen first, I don't want to burn. Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that they don't want her to burn as well; but still, he felt horrible for her.

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