Spending the Day in Bed: Time to Relax

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the message of last chapter? Do you think that Matt got the message out to his wife effectively? I hope that he did, based on what I wrote, and I would love to get some feedback, right after you read this chapter.

To say that Gabby was glad that this was their plans for today, well that would be an understatement; because in her opinion, there's nothing like the feeling of her loving husband holding her in his arms. They both love holding each other close, especially when Gabby isn't wearing a bra, which is exactly what she's doing right now, even though their original plan was to just relax with each other. But with them, relaxing always comes with a bit of sexy time; sexy time which they both enjoy, even though they need to relax. And she is just so glad that they decided to compromise, with her having decided to wear nothing but her underwear; and let's just say that Matt loves the feeling that comes with her being topless in bed, because there's just something about the way they cuddle up to each other when they're comfortable like this. Plus, it's no secret that Gabby likes to tease Matt like that; and that most definitely was exactly what she was in the midst of doing, as he moved his hand to her back and stroked it with his thumb. Oh, now this is pure paradise.

And they both knew it. They both knew that this is paradise, and that they are both extremely happy right now (amongst other feelings they're having right now); the other feeling being a feeling of ease, a feeling of peace and quiet. And that's exactly what they need right now, especially when they're still mourning the loss that they've just learned about; but they're already doing better, because they do have something to look forward to. And that would be their beautiful daughters, their baby girls Bella Grace and Emily Marie. God, Matt already loves those names that they chose for their girls more than anything in the entire world; and he can't wait to say them on a daily basis (amongst other things). Something else that he can't wait to do? Well, that would be protecting his daughters from all of the little boys who plan on flirting with them; because if there's on thing that he knows about what his daughters are going to look like, it's that they're going to be stunning and will make the young boys of the world be very interested in them.

But I'm sorry all of you little boys, but nobody is going to be dating his daughters for a while; and that's due to the fact that they are going to be very protected, by her father and brothers more specifically. Plus, he already has a couple of boys in mind when it comes to whom they're going to date; I mean, there are two little boys that would make the perfect boyfriends (and maybe future husbands) to their little girls. And even better, they're going to be born six months apart; so, he can already see it. Ms. Bella Casey-Severide or Ms. Emily Casey-Severide. And he's sure that Gabby is feeling the same way, that she would most definitely enjoy the idea of their daughters being married to their best friends' children; but first, Matt might want to bring it up with her. That way, she can know what he's thinking; and that she has his blessing to start planning their daughter's wedding to one of the Severide boys, which is something that Gabby is basically waiting for him to do. "Quick question; how much is this wedding you're planning in your head going to cost?"

Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, looking up at him so that she could get some clarity on just what the heck her husband is trying to ask her; especially when she really is so confused. "Okay, what the hell are you talking about? I am so confused." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, before wrapping his arm around her; after which, he stroked her back and turned his head to kiss her forehead softly. "Oh c'mon, like you aren't already thinking about it." Gabby was confused. "Okay, stop playing stupid with me Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, smiling due to the fact that was most definitely something that he was ready to do. "Is it going to be Bella Grace Severide or Emily Marie Severide?" Gabby just laughed as she heard Matt say that, before laying her head down on his chest again; after which, she cuddled up to him and smiled as she proceeded to kiss his chest softly. At the same time, Matt moved his hand to her back and just smiled as he kissed the top of her head (while also stroking her back).

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