Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Meal, Part 1

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of the two chapters that I've already posted for you guys today? I know, shocker that I'm already at two chapters today; that means that I have a bunch more time to post some more chapters, which I hope that you guys enjoy. Now, what to you say we get back to supper with the Caseys? And of course, some conversations that we all enjoy.

The appetizers that Pascale made for the both of them tonight most definitely were exactly what the couple wanted to start this nice meal with each other, as they truly were delicious; and one of the many highlights to come of the meal so far, as this is just one of the most romantic times that she and Matt are going to be sharing with each other. Something that they haven't done with each other in a long time, which she's more than happy about; because she loves spending time with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. She loves being with him, and she loves holding him close; but right now, that was not what she was doing. But she was okay with that, because of what they're about to eat; the nice meal that Pascale is bringing them from the kitchen, which is something that they both always enjoy. Not having to get up and make supper for each other, and just get this time with each other. And right now, that's what they're going to do; as they also strike up a conversation that they both want to have, before supper arrived.

"So, what did you think of the appetizers?" Looking up at her husband, Gabby smiled as she truly did enjoy the appetizers that they had. "They were really good, and I am so glad that Pascale made them; they were just perfect, and they always taste good. And even better, they always taste the exact way that I like them." Smiling, Matt looked down as he went to grab his beer (which Pascale brought him after he cleared their plates); his one and only beer that he was going to have tonight, which is Gabby's anniversary treat to him. But he wasn't going too fast, as he wanted to make sure that they just enjoyed this time. And he didn't want to be drunk as they enjoyed this time together, because he wants to remember every single inch of it. "So, what are you thinking about right now Gabby?" Gabby smiled as she looked at Matt. "Oh, just how my husband has been so good in not wanting to work today." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, as that most definitely is something that he was happy about. "I know that was going to meal a lot to you."

Gabby agreed with Matt, because that was something that they both wanted more than anything; time where they can give each other their undivided attention, which is what they're going to be doing for the rest of the night. Both out here, and in bed with each other; because that's what they want at the end of the day, they want to have each other in bed. But if that doesn't include intimate time, then Matt is more than okay with that; because at the end of the day, he loves his wife. And when it comes to what he wants, he wants to do whatever he can to make sure that she has a health pregnancy; because so far, that's exactly what she's had so far. She's had a very easy pregnancy, even though there was some drama; drama that we don't need to explain, as it's related to the miscarriage that she suffered. And for some reason, Matt can just tell that she's not thinking about it right now; and he's glad that's the case, especially since he loves spending time with his wife...which is the entire reason why he isn't working right now, as it's their day.

Reaching for Gabby's hand, Matt smiled as he held it and just looked at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; because he wants to remind her about that fact, that today is their anniversary. And that means that she isn't going to find him working, as he wants to concentrate all of his love and attention on her. "And there's a reason for that Gabby because today is our day. Today is a day where I get to celebrate the fact that we've been married for three years, which is just a fraction of how long I plan on being married to the love of my life." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, well aware that was the case; because she felt the same way about Matt. Matt isn't just her husband: he's also the love of her life, the father of her children, and the only man that she can ever see herself being married to. Which is the entire reason that she's glad that they're here because she didn't think that this is where she thought that they would be a year ago. And there was a reason for that, which she plans on sharing with Matt.

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