Matt and Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 2

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Joining Gabby in bed shortly after she got all comfortable, Matt smiled as he went ahead and got nice and close to the woman of his dreams; after all, that's what they both wanted him to do tonight. However, it seemed like Gabby didn't want to watch TV. But if that's what Gabby wants, then Matt's more than okay with that; and that's due to the fact that Gabby is the woman he loves, and she's the woman he wants to please. So, they can just hold each other close and relax tonight, because that's what they always do on their anniversary. Now, it's time to just get close to each other, which starts with Gabby getting close to him, and cuddling up to him as much as she can. And let's just say that he was always comfortable when Gabby (and the girls) are laying down with him. And that's exactly what they're doing right now. Laying down in his arms, as he wrapped his arm around her back and put his hand on her butt; after which, he grabbed the covers and tugged them up on top of the both of them...which is everything that Gabby really wants tonight. She just wants to hold the man she loves close to her, as they cuddle up to each other in bed.

Well, this and what Matt just did: he turned his head and kissed the top of her head, while also moving his spare hand to the top of her back and stroking it with his thumb. Now that's really comfortable, and it makes Gabby extremely happy (and proud) to be Matt's wife. God, he is just the best husband in the entire world; and she is so happy right now. Turning his head once again, Matt smirked as he kissed the top of her head once again. "Comfortable?" Gabby laughed as Matt asked her whether she was comfortable, because it should be quite obvious to him that she was currently comfortable; as she laid down in his arms, with her head on his heart. Because that was how she was laying down. She had her head on his heart, and her hand on his abs. Meanwhile, Matt had his hand on her arm, and his arm around her back (with his other hand on her lower back); which led to him stroking her body in two places. With one of his thumbs, he was stroking her arm; meanwhile, he was stroking her lower back with the other. And god, that was comfortable. It was exactly what Gabby needed, and she was extremely happy that she was being blessed with an opportunity to have this.

"God, I am so glad that this is what we're in the midst of doing right now; the way you're holding me truly is perfect, and I am a very happy woman right now." Turning his head, Matt snickered as he could definitely tell that was the case. After which, he bent down and kissed the top of her head as they both held each other close. "Oh, I can definitely tell that's the case." Looking up at the man she loves, Gabby smiled as she slipped up his chest; at the same time, Matt moved his hand to her neck as what she just did was unexpected. But that didn't mean that she didn't like how he just slipped up his chest, because he most certainly did; in fact, he liked it so much that he just reached up and moved his hand to her neck. Bending down shortly afterwards, Gabby smirked as she started to take things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world; because that's exactly who Matt is, the love of her life...and the only man that she can see herself ever being with, as well as the father of her children. "I love you Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, well aware that was the case. "I love you too Gabby, forever." Gabby agreed with Matt.

After which, she proceeded to lay down on his chest once more; turning her head as she ran her hand down his chest, Gabby kissed it and just cuddled up to him. Meanwhile, Matt moved his hand to her back and stroked it. "I am so glad that this is how we're going to end our anniversary." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Enjoy it, because you might not get this next year." Looking down at his beautiful wife, Matt shook his head as that was not going to be the case. "Nonsense, we're going to get the night together; that's something that I can already see happening, because me and you are going to figure out a way for us to get some time with each other. I want to always celebrate our anniversary together Gabby, and I promise that we can always do something." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before laying her head down on his chest some more; more specifically, she moved her ear to his heart. Listening to his heartbeat, Gabby smiled as it was really nice to listen to; and it also led to her getting exactly what she wanted, Matt running his hand down her back. But not far down enough that it would make her think that he would try and play with her underwear.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Gabby sighed. "I just can't help but think about how lucky I am, and I will always think that way; because you gave me a second chance when I came back from Puerto Rico." Looking down at Gabby as she said that, Matt moved his hand to her back and stroked her shoulder with his thumb; after which, he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "Always baby, I'll always give you a second chance. I'll give you as many chances as it takes for us to be happy, because you mean the world to me. You're my girl and will always be the love of my life." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, really happy that's the case. "Plus, you gave me kids; that's something that I will never be able to look over, because you made my dream...our dream come true. Gabby, you truly are my miracle; and I want you to take that in a positive way now, okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, especially since she knows why he said that. "Matt, we're over that; I promise. We're long past that, and I forgave you." Going to grab Matt's hand, she smiled as she intertwined their fingers. At the same time, Matt brought her hand close to his chest and just held her close.

And the truth is, that was exactly what Gabby wanted him to do tonight. She wanted him to hold her close, and she wants him to just kiss her. "How are you feeling right now?" Gabby smiled as she slipped close to the man she loves, slipping her legs in between his (while also putting her hand on his chest); meanwhile, Matt put his hand on her hip and stroked it with his thumb. "Does this answer your question?" Turning his head, Matt smiled and nodded as he bent down and kissed the woman he loves softly. Just taking things nice and slow with her, Matt smirked due to the fact that Gabby truly is the love of his love; and exactly what he wants to do right now, which is why he's doing this. But he also needs to tell Gabby something. "I have a phone call in the morning." Gabby looked at Matt as he said that. "Seriously?" Matt sighed. "Part of a new division I'm thinking of creating." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that. "What are you talking about?" Matt sighed as he looked at her. "Can we?" Gabby nodded as she rolled over onto her side.

After which, she got nice and close to him while putting her hand on his chest. "What's going on baby?" Matt took a breath. "I'm changing how I'm doing things with the Health Clinic." Gabby looked at Matt because she thought he changed that. "I thought you were changing that....and not doing it." Matt sighed. "I changed my mind because I want to do PTSD stuff. I want to give back, so I'm thinking of taking the rental space on the eight and ninth floors; and I'm going to make it into a PTSD clinic, with a therapy center. Maybe...what do you think of that?" Gabby smirked as she got close to the man she loves, before wrapping his arm around her; after which, Matt wrapped his arm around her back and bent down so that he could kiss her softly. Meanwhile, Gabby put her hand on his chest and took things nice and slow with her loving husband. "Matt, I love that idea. I know you want to make a difference in the world, and I think that would be the perfect way for you to do it; to give back with the PTSD clinic." Matt smirked and agreed.

"Yeah, so Monday..." That's when Matt realized. "Wait, it's not tomorrow." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that. "So, you're going to be here in the morning?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Want to spend the day in bed?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she wants to spend the day in bed, because that sounds absolutely perfect. "Sounds perfect. Oh, by the way; I forgot to mention something. I just thought about it when I mentioned Puerto Rico. I sent $50K to the charity recently. Is that okay?" Matt smiled as he heard gabby say that. "You mean $100K." Gabby was confused. "Wait, did you..." Matt nodded. "Yep, I did the same thing. I have it set up as a recurring payment at the end of the year, so you don't ever have to worry about that." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that, before moving her hand to his neck. "You know, we could always host a fundraiser here for it." Gabby was a bit taken aback as she heard matt say that. "You'd do that?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he'd do that for her.

"Of course, baby, I want to do that for you; because I know that you still want to give back to Puerto Rico, and I want to help. Plus, would mean that I get to invite some people I can make deals with." Gabby snickered as she heard Matt say that. "You're making it really hard for me to not want you to make love to me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before feeling her move her hand to the side of her head; at the same time, he moved his hand to her arm and smiled as he started to take things nice and slow with her. "I love you Gabby, and maybe we can figure out how to do it without hurting you in the morning." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she started to take things nice and slow with him. "I love you Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "I love you too Gabby, forever. Happy anniversary." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before starting to take things nice and slow with him. And that's all they did for the rest of the night. They shared a kiss, until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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