The Movie Marathon Continues

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NOTE TO READERS: I have decided to make Will and Natalie doctors at both the Army Medical Center, and the General Hospital for the rest of this story; that way, I don't need to add more doctors to the story than I have to. Also, I want Natalie to be able to take care of both Jay and Alex, as well as Matt and Gabby. And she can only do that if she works at both the Army MC, and the General Hospital.

Halstead Hospital Room, Tripler Army Medical Center – This has to be one of the things that Jay hates about it being November, and that would be the fact that the Christmas movies start on the Hallmark Channel; a channel that the hospital just HAD to have. And of course, Alex just loves that channel so much; so much so, that she basically begged him to watch it. Not that he would ever say no to her when it came to her watching the Hallmark Channel, because he actually wants to live another day; and he also wants to have sex with his beautiful wife in the future. And he just knows that she'll hold it over him if he says no to them watching the Hallmark Channel movie marathon that she was enjoying, while she also cuddled up to him in their bed. More specifically, while he was shirtless in his jogging pants; while Alex wore one of his shirts, as well as some of her little underwear. After all, she did now have the ability to cuddle up to Jay much more than she could compared to how much she could after she gave birth to the twins, which he loves.

He loves holding Alex in his arms and making her as comfortable as he possibly can; and Alex feels the same way, about the fact that she can not cuddle up to Jay as they hold each other close. And that was something that she showed him, by turning her head and bending down to kiss his chest softly. Smiling as he felt Alex kiss his chest, Jay smiled his hand to her back and stroked it with his thumb; at the same time, he bent down and kissed the top of her head. "Someone comfortable?" Alex laughed as Jay asked her whether she was comfortable, because she most certainly was comfortable in his arms; after which, she turned her head and looked up at the man she loves. "What do you think? I have my husband here with me, shirtless and just wearing his jogging pants; the jogging pants that show off his gorgeous body." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before feeling her hand run down his abs; after which, he proceeded to trace his v. At the same time, Jay tugged the sheets up on top of the both of them to hide what she's doing.

Smiling as Jay did that, Alex was really happy that he decided to hide what she was doing; because that was what needed to happen. They needed to hide what was she was doing, so that they can make sure that they don't get in trouble with the hospital staff, which also includes their brother and sister-in-law. (Will and Natalie). And yes, they come here all the time, even on their days off. And they're happy that they do that, because they love having some time with their families; but the best part that comes with them being here at the hospital (and having a bunch of time off), is the quality time that she gets to have with Jay. That she gets to spend with him, while cuddling up to the most loving (and caring) man in the entire world. Moving his hand to Alex's back, Jay smiled as he stroked her back and then kissed her forehead softly. "So, is there anything that you need me to do for you right now; now that you're awake?" Turning her head, Alex looked up at the most handsome man in the entire world. "You thought that I was asleep?"

Jay agreed with Alex as she asked him whether he thought that she was asleep, because that was exactly what he thought; he thought that Alex was asleep, and he was happy that was the case. Jay then kissed her forehead softly, holding his beautiful wife close to him; after which, he looked down at his beautiful wife more than anything in the entire world. "So, how about you feeling right now? Do you need anything? Anything I can get you?" Alex smiled as she heard Jay ask her that, before cuddling up to him some more; at the same time, Jay wrapped his arm around her back and then kissed her forehead softly. "I think that I can just cuddle up to you like this and I'll be happy." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case; at the same time, he smirked as he kissed her forehead while they both held each other close. "And I think we both know that you want this too." Jay smirked and agreed with her.

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