It's Still Hard

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of the twist that just came in the last chapter? Well, I hope that you liked it; and are ready for one last chapter tonight. Yes, you heard that right. This (unfortunately) is my last chapter for today. So, how about we make it a good?

"It's still hard."

Those were the only words that Matt needed to hear today to know what his plans are for today, which is to give his wife the comfort that she needs; the comfort that she still needs, as she continues to grieve the loss of their child. And if that's what she needs to do right now, then he's going to be there, by her side, every step of the way. And that's just a fact, simply because he's her husband; and as her husband, it's his job to make sure that things get easier. Especially since he knew what things meant, and that was that she may have just been projecting what he wanted to see on her face yesterday; the beautiful smile that he always wants to see on her face. But the truth is, she may not have been all smiles after all. And that was something that he wanked to make clear to her, that she didn't need to fake a smile for him; if she didn't feel like smiling, then she can show that she's sad. And now that she revealed to him that it's still hard, it seems that Gabby is doing just that; and that was because she was currently standing at the window of their room.

At the same time, she had her hands on her stomach, which can only mean that she's thinking about it right now: the fact that she's still carrying their late son. And that truly breaks his heart more than anything, as it's still something that he can't find himself being able to believe; even though he knows it's the truth, just the fact that his beautiful wife is carrying their late son is always going to be heard. And that's why his heart is truly just breaking for Gabby right now, as he just looks at her. "I can tell that you're there Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before making his way into their room. "You seem to forget that Andy always lifts his head up when you walk into the room, making his dog tags rattle." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before walking over to Andy; after which, he moved his hand to the top of his head and scratched it. "Yeah, you like giving me away; don't you bud?" Andy then went ahead and laid back down, as this was his time to sleep. He sleeps during the day, while staying awake at night (most of the time).

At the same time, Matt made his way over to Gabby at the window; while also watching her turn around, so that she was facing him once he was right in front of her. After all, that was where she wanted him right now. She wanted him to hold her close, and just rub her body with his hands, which Matt is more than happy to do, if that's what she wants him to do. First, he just needs to make sure that she knows that he's always here for her if she needs to talk; because she's starting to shut down again, and that's the last thing that she needs to do when she's grieving for their late son. "Gabby, you know that you need to talk to me, right? When you start thinking this way, you really should talk to me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before stepping close to him; after which, she put her hands on his chest and ran her hands down his toned chest. At the same time, Matt wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead softly. After all, this truly is exactly what they both want to do right now; hold each other and console each other.

After all, Gabby isn't the only one that's still grieving; because Matt's still grieving as well, for both their late son and his wife. Stepping close to Gabby, Matt wrapped his arms around her and just stared down into her eyes; after which, Gabby put her hand on his chest and looked up at him. Kissing his beautiful wife softly, Matt took things nice and slow with her (which is exactly what she needed him to do right now). She needed him to take things nice and slow with her, so that he can start making her feel better; and him kissing her most definitely does make her feel better, because it makes her feel happy. And it also makes her feel extremely loved. And she most certainly is (and will always be), simply because Gabby is his whole world (which will never change). "I hope you know that I mean it when I say that you can always talk to me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before wrapping her arms around him. "I know." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, glad that was the case; after which, he looked out of their window at the ocean.

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