Pre-Meeting Sexy Time, Part 1

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Hi Readers: I hope that you guys are okay with the fact that I re-started this day and are now ready for some more chapters; some that are going to be related for some business that they have to do, just after we have a bit of sexy time between the CEO and his wife.

The lingerie that his wife was wearing for him as she stood at the end of the bed was sexy, as was the sight that was in front of her; the sight of her dreamy husband setting his clothes down in the hamper, so that he was just wearing his boxers. After all, that was exactly what she wanted him to do right now; she wants him to be undressed, and just wearing those sexy boxers of his. And now, that was all her man was wearing right now; nothing but his boxers, which were also extremely tight. And if her husband being all sweaty (he was, after having just working out) didn't turn her on, then that most definitely did; and it will always turn her on, because of how so sexy her man is. He's so muscular, and that bulge of his is so damn sexy; because it just pops whenever he wears those boxers that he's currently wearing, and always wears for her. She just hopes that she gets a chance to take off those boxers, because she wants the man of her dreams to take her in his arms and make love to her this morning; ahead of the two of them taking a pre-meeting shower.

After all, that's exactly what they both want to do with each other; they want to take a nice shower with each other, and they want to have fun with each other. And that most certainly is exactly what the couple plan on having with each other today, maybe twice. The truth is, Matt never expected this to happen this morning; rather, he thought that he was going to have to wait until tomorrow to get some sexy time like this....because they were going to have time to do that, when they work from home. Because that's something that Matt's recently promised Gabby they'd do now, work from home more often. In fact, he even set up a schedule which he plans on following. From this day forward, he's going to work from home a couple days a week. He just hopes that he can get Gabby to ask her mom to watch the boys on those days, which is where they're going to be going today; and already are. But right now, they are not concentrating on their sons; but rather, they're concentrating on each other...and they sexy time that they're going to enjoy.

Moving his hands to Gabby's stomach as soon as he was standing in front of her, Matt smirked due to the fact that he was incredibly turned on right now; turned on by the lingerie that she was wearing, especially since she was wearing it for him. Moving to grab her neck, Matt smiled as he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "God, you are so damn sexy when you wear this lingerie." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware he thought that way; after which, she stepped closer to him and put her hands on his muscular chest. At the same time, Matt moved his hands to her stomach again. "So, the boys are already at my mom's place?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him that, before moving his hand to her neck; after which, he leaned in and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. The woman who just so happens to also be 24 weeks pregnant with their daughters. "How are you feeling right now?" Gabby smiled as Matt asked her how she's feeling.

"I'm feeling really good, and the girls are co-operating this morning." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before getting close to the woman he loves; after which, Gabby moved his hands to her arms and smiled as they both just held each other close. "So, you regret that we asked our moms to watch the boys last night?" Gabby shook her head as Matt asked her whether she regrets asking their moms to watch the boys last night, as that was not how she felt; rather, she felt happy that they didn't have the boys last night...but she just wishes that she got a chance to make love to Matt, not that she doesn't understand why they didn't. It was due to the fact that they have meetings today, which Matt needs to concentrate on. "So, you ready for today?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he was ready for today, because he most certainly was ready for today; for a bunch of the meetings that he has to do, not that he can't cancel them. In fact, he was just thinking about that. He was thinking of cancelling his afternoon meetings.

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