Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (1)

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of last chapter? I would love to know what you guys thought of it, and how the PTSD was portrayed. I would love to hear back from you on how I portray that. But for now, here's another chapter.

While he and Gabby didn't go as far as he thought they would, Matt did end up getting a nice hour-long kiss from the woman he loves; and that was something that he was more than okay with, because now he dwas just cuddling up to his girl as she took a nap. And god, she still looks so damn adorable as she naps. The way she just lays down in bed, she just looks so peaceful. So much so, that Matt doesn't even want to wake her up. Rather, he just wants to concentrate on her sleeping; even though he does want to talk to her about something, because he has something on his mind. More specifically, he has something on his mind that they need to talk about together. But if Gabby needs to sleep right now, then he's more than okay with letting her sleep; because that just means that he can think about what he needs to talk to her about more. And he can think about some things, and just figure a few things out on his own. And just what might that be? Well, it's something that he's thought about of late; but he's just tried to figure out on his own.

But he knows that he can't always think about this on his own, because he's going to need to get Gabby's input on them; she's their mother, and that means that they need to make decisions together. It's what they promised each other after all, that they would make decisions about their kids together; and this is one of them that he wants to make with Gabby, because he wants her input. He wants to know what she thinks, and he wants to bounce ideas off of. He just wished that she didn't think that he was a creep, because that's just what she called him. "It's creepy when you stare at me like that baby." Snickering as he heard Gabby say that, Matt smiled as he moved his hand to her side and stroked it with her thumb; after all, she was still right against him. And that was something that he liked, because it gave him a chance to really admire her beauty as they held each other close. "Sorry, I was just looking at my gorgeous wife; and admiring how beautiful she is, especially when she's pregnant with our daughters." Looking up at her man, Gabby smiled.

However, he also felt like he was flirting with her for a reason; a reason that she was going to shut down, because he already got all that he was going to get for a while. She isn't giving him any more sex for a while because she likes the idea of resting for now, which is exactly what she was doing, resting. She didn't fall asleep; she just had her eyes closed. "I can only assume that you weren't really asleep? And you were really just resting your eyes?" Looking up at Matt as he told her that, Gabby was shocked as she didn't expect him to realize that. "How did you know..." Matt smirked. "You were moving more than you normally do when you're sleeping, and you still rubbed my chest." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, before moving close to him; after which, she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at her dreamy husband. After all, he is the love of her life; and she's so glad that this is what they're doing right now. They're holding each other close, shortly after having made love to each other. "I have to say, you were really good in bed."

Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, as he felt the same way. "I have to say that I feel the exact same way, because you were delicious baby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling at the man she loves before moving to get closer to him; after all, she does want to cuddle up to him as much as she can (as they hold each other close). And that was due to the fact that she wants to feel him move his hand to her stomach. And that's exactly what Matt ended up doing, as they both held each other close. "So, what are you thinking about right now? Because if you weren't asleep, then you must've been thinking about something." Taking a breath as she heard Matt say that, Gabby agreed with Matt as she decided to just get close to him; after which, she cuddled up to him and slipped her legs in between his. After which, Matt wrapped his arm around her back and went ahead and decided to ask Gabby if they can talk; more specifically, about the thing that he was thinking about. "Listen, can we talk about something?" Gabby agreed.

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