Homecoming: Welcome Home, Part 1

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Hi Readers: Did you guys like today's first chapter? Well, I hope you did; and I hope that you're liking this new chapter in the story and are ready for another set of family chapters with the Halsteads. But do know that I do plan on covering the Caseys too, but it may not be today as I do want to spend some time with the new family that just got home; I hope that's okay with you guys and are ready to just see what happens with the Halsteads. Thanks again for reading, and I can't wait to see what you guys think of these chapters.

Halstead Home, Farmers Rd, Honolulu
To say that Alex was happy to finally be home, well that was an understatement; especially since she hasn't really gotten a chance to see the place that they now call home, the place where they're going to raise their children. Most importantly, the home that they're going to live in away from the office; because that's something that Alex has come to realize while she was in the hospital, and that was that she didn't want to live at the office. She wants to live in a home with her husband, and her children; and she doesn't want to be living at the office when they're with their kids, and that's what this new home allows them to do. It allows them to separate their lives. When they're at the office, they're working; but when they're home, they're having family time...they're spending time, here with Michael and Olivia. And that was another reason why Alex was happy that she was finally home because it means that they can finally just take it easy; and she doesn't have to worry anymore about other things that were on her mind, every single day.

Some of those things included whether they would ever get a chance to do this, to have their kids at home with them; to hold their beautiful children in bed, and just cuddle up to them as they sit in bed together...because that was one of the major questions that was always running through her mind, each and every day while she was in the hospital...'Are the kids going to be okay?' and 'Am I going to have a chance to hold our children in bed?' But now, these questions are no longer things that are always on her mind; they don't keep her up at night, they don't make her wonder each and every night as to whether they were okay. And that's for the simple fact that she's finally home with her loving husband, and their beautiful twins Michael and Olivia, which is something that she's wanted ever since she gave birth to the twins, because it's where they all belong. They belong at home with each other, and they belong in each other's arms for the rest of their lives; and that will include times where they cuddle up to bed with the twins.

But that isn't what's going to happen right now, because she and Jay are not going to be holding Michael and Olivia in bed; rather, they are going to let them relax in their new cribs. Meanwhile, she and Jay are going to get a chance to cuddle up to each other in bed; because that's what she wants to do right now, she wants to cuddle up to the man of her dreams in bed. She wants him to hold her in his arms, with nothing in between them for the first time since she gave birth to Michael and Olivia. And boy, is that going to be a nice feeling. The feeling of her and Jay just holding each other close, without any children in between them, while they relax in their bed with each other. But right now, she needs to get Olivia in bed; and that's exactly what she's in the midst of doing right now, as she rocked her in her arms on her way to her crib. Kissing the top of her head, Alex smiled as she whispered to Olivia. "Hi sweetie, you happy to be home? Yeah, that's where you are now. You're home with mommy and daddy, where you're safe and home with us."

Alex then proceeded to kiss her forehead, smiling due to the fact that this really is everything that she wants right now; she wants to hold her family close to her, especially her incredible husband. And that's something that she knows that Jay's going to want to do the minute he comes upstairs, especially after he sees just what she's wearing at the moment; some sexy lingerie, that will allow them to run their hands all over each other's bodies. Because that's something else that she wants to do today, she wants to get a chance to run her hand all over her dreamy husband's body; while they hold each other close in bed, where they both are going to sleep together for the first time tonight. And that's something that she's really going to enjoy, sleeping with her loving husband; and while she's done that every night in the hospital, she's yet to do that in their own bed. And that's what they're going to do tonight, so that makes her incredibly happy; and it's going to be paradise, as she just cuddles up to him in bed with his arms around her body.

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