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Hi Readers: What are you thinking of the chapters that I've already posted for you guys today? Well, I hope that you guys have liked them, and are ready for another one. So, here we go with another chapter; but this time, we're with the Casey Family.

CASEY FAMILY HOME – He didn't know where any of them were. Where his wife was, as she wasn't in bed with him. Where his sons are, as they aren't in their nursery. So, that was making him worried; because that could mean something that he most definitely didn't like the idea of. Especially due to their wealth, as that was something that they always needed to remember; that they are not just a normal family now, but they are also targets. Targets for kidnapping, but that wasn't something that he was ready to think about; as he can't go down that path, down the path that was the most frightening. Not when his wife was pregnant with their daughters, when she should be here; when she should be in bed with him, just relaxing with him in the boys. The boys that were currently sitting in the living room, in their chairs. And let's just say that really made Matt feel better, because he at least knew that their boys were safe; and they were having fun with their toys that they have in here, but that still left him with another question.

And that was the question that had yet to be answered, where the other half of his family was; the female Caseys: Gabriela Marie, Bella Grace, and Emily Marie. Because those were the people that he now had to find, as they were the last of the people to find; he just hoped that it wouldn't take him long, as he was a bit worried...and that was something that Andy could tell, as he just jumped up on him. Moving his hand to Andy's head, Matt smiled as he was happy over the fact that he was there for him; because that most definitely was exactly what he wanted. He was happy to have him here, but that still hasn't answered his most important question; the question that was still hanging over them, and that was where his beautiful wife was. So, he just hopes that he can...and that's when he figured out where she was, based on what he was hearing at the moment. And just what did he just hear? It was the sound of his beautiful wife's voice, as she spoke in her cheery voice, which can only be explained as extremely happy. "Oh no, it doesn't fit?"

Gabby just laughed as she heard the answer to her question over the phone, loving the conversation that she was in the midst of having on the phone. "God, I wish it would've fit; I thought it would've been adorable to get a picture of Kyle wearing something that Matteo wore, because they have the same middle name." And that's when Matt knew, he knew who she was talking to; and that was based solely on the name that she just said over the phone, the name Kyle (a Kyle who has the same middle name as their son Matteo). And we all know who that would be, Mr. Kyle Andrew Severide. So, Matt already knew exactly who Gabby was talking to; and that would be Stella, as she was probably also in the midst of making some breakfast for herself. And who knows, maybe even him. Well, he's just happy that he already got dressed...because he knew that they weren't going back up to bed anytime soon, and that's because of what Gabby has made him promise as of late; something that they are going to do for a few days actually.

And just what might that be? Well, that would be them spending some quality time with their sons, which they were going to be doing all week; and there's a reason for that, which would be that this is their family home. And when they're at their family home, they spend some with their children. Their beautiful sons Matteo Andrew, and Noah Matthew Casey; and that time is going to be something that they are going to enjoy, especially before they have the girls. God, he still can't believe that this Christmas, their first Christmas as a family of three; will also be their last Christmas as a family of three, because next Christmas....they'll have their girls. And that's something that they most definitely do love the idea of that because it's what they want more than anything in the entire world; but before they can get that, Matt wants something else. He wants to get something from his beautiful wife, and that would be a nice kiss from her; ahead of them talking about what their plans are, because he most definitely wants to enjoy time with them.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now