Ready for Some Sexy Time...Or Not...

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Hi Readers: Wow. A fourth chapter today, that doesn't happen too much; especially not when I write such long chapters. But still, I am glad that I am finally back; after having a nice and easy supper, I am ready to just give you exactly what you want. And that's more chapters. So, let's not wait any longer. Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two, a sexy chapter for our favorite couple.

Casey Headquarters – 29th Floor: Primary Suite, Casey Penthouse
She was ready to spend a bit of quality, intimate time with her loving husband; and the love of her life in bed. That way, she could get his strong hands all over her just like she wanted to have when she first woke up this morning; after all, she and Matt are currently alone in their penthouse. And that was due to the fact that they're so blessed with having such a wonderful family, a wonderful family who are currently in the midst of taking care of their sons; just four floors down in their apartment. And boy was she glad that she was alone with the man she loves, because she wanted to get some time with him; more specifically, she wanted some sexy time with him. And that was exactly what she was on her way to do, or so she thought; because she soon realized that it wasn't going to happen, as Matt was currently asleep in their bed. But that's okay, because they have all the time in the world; time which they can be intimate with each other, just not right now. Rather, they can be intimate with each other later; when Matt was ready to do that, and not tired.

Also, they have the entire weekend together; and that means that they can concentrate on each other, whenever and wherever they want. And even better, they're the only people which really matter at the moment; and that was due the fact that they're alone and can just concentrate on what they need to do right now. And that's get some rest, because that's what Matt seems to need right now; and that means that she needs to do something for him, and that was cuddle up to him in bed. So, that was exactly what she was going to do; she was going to cuddle up to her man, and she's going to do that now. But she's also going to do it carefully, as she doesn't want to wake Matt up; because he looks quite tired, and she can't help but wonder why. So, she's going to have to bring it up at some point together, because she wants to make sure that he gets to rest as much as he needs to right now. So, she's going to get in bed with the man she loves; and she's going to lay down on that toned chest of his. And she can't wait to do just that, as it's cozy.

Opening the blankets, Gabby smiled as she looked at the man of her dreams so that she can cuddle up to that gorgeous chest of his; the chest that was incredibly muscular, on purpose. Matt knows just how much she loves how muscular he is, so he always makes sure that he's in great shape for her, which is something that she can appreciate so much more when she's not pregnant, because that means that she doesn't have a baby bump that stops her from behind right against his chest. But luckily for her, she's going to get a bit of time off between this pregnancy and her next pregnancy, which is something that she's going to make clear to him as soon as she gives birth to Bella. And god, she still can't wait to have Bella in their life; and that was because she can already see it now, the sight of their beautiful daughter laying down on that muscular chest of his. Laying down on that chest, just like she's about to do right now. Climbing into bed with Matt, Gabby smiled as she crawled over to him so that she can lay down in bed, but not on his muscular chest.

Even though she wants to lay down on his chest, Gabby decided against it because she wanted to make sure that Matt stayed asleep; that he got the rest that he must need right now, and that was probably why they're in bed with each other. Rolling over onto her side to relax in bed, Gabby smiled as she decided to take a nap; and that was due to the fact that Matt was already taking a nap, so she might as well get some rest too. But that plan soon changed, because Matt woke up and decided to get close to her; wrapping his arms around her shortly after getting close to her, Matt smiled as he put his hands on her stomach and kissed her back. Feeling Matt do just that, Gabby smiled as she couldn't help but be really happy, which was due to the fact that this was bringing back a lot of memories. Memories from the first time that they slept with each other, on the night that really began her relationship. Kissing her back again, Matt smiled as he then went to speak to his beautiful wife. "Hey." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt speak to her today.

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