Post-Photoshoot Worries, Part Two

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Making his way back into their room shortly after getting him and Bella an early lunch, Mario smiled due to the fact that his gorgeous wife still looks so damn sexy in what she was in the midst of wearing; that nice lingerie that she was wearing, just for him. While she may not have said that was the case, he already knew that was the case based solely on how she was looking at him right now; she was pursing her lips, and how she was acting around him. She was doing it in a way that was meant solely to turn him on, and boy was it working; but he was trying his best not to show Bella that, as he didn't want her to think that this could change her mind. But unfortunately, his body didn't agree; more specifically, his baby maker if you know what I mean. "Oh, I can tell that somebody likes the sight in front of them." Mario bit his lip as he heard Bella say that, because he already knew what was happening; because it always happened when she was wearing stuff like this, and it will always continue to happen when she wears stuff like this.

And Bella knows that, which is why it is so infuriating that she decided to wear THIS for him right now; especially when she knows how much of a turn on it is, and when they are supposed to be relaxing today, not turning each other on. As much as Mario wants to have a baby with Bella, this is not the time for them to have sexual intercourse; rather, it's time for Bella to relax and rehydrate. "Okay, can you please cover up with the little sheet at least? I can't look at you like that right now." Bella was confused as she heard her husband say that, mostly due to the fact that she didn't believe her ears. Was she dreaming? Or did her husband ask her to cover up with the sheet? "Okay, am I dreaming; or did you just ask me to COVER UP with the sheet?" Mario smiled as he heard Bella say that, before making his way over to his side of the bed; after which, he set their plate of food down on his side table so he could climb into bed with the woman he loves. But first, he decided that he was going to be joining in the teasing game today.

Walking over to his dresser, Mario just shook his head due to the fact that he wasn't going to give in. Even though he wanted to tease his wife, he wasn't going to take off his shorts; and that was due to the fact that he wanted her to relax. He wanted her to take it easy, and just cuddle up to him today; as they talk to one another about what happened today, and just how worried he is. He just hopes that Bella understands why he wants to talk about this, and why he wants to do it in shorts, rather than have him be in boxers. Going to grab his deodorant from the top of his dresser, Mario then turned around to face his wife. "I hope you don't expect anything today, because you aren't getting me in anything but these shorts." Just looking at her husband as he said that, Bella wasn't believing him. "Oh really?" Mario took a breath, sighing as he looked at the woman he loves. "Bella, you got overheated today; you almost passed out, and you want to get intimate with me? Listen, I love you; but I think you need to take it easy right now, and just relax in my arms."

Thinking about it, Bella took a breath and (reluctantly) agreed with her husband; after all, he's making this (hard) decision because he loves her. "Bella, we both know that this is the right decision to make; especially because this is me doing my job and upholding my vows as your husband. At the end of the day, I will always hold the vows that I made before our families...and before God before anything." Yes, Mario and Bella got married in a religious ceremony; in fact, they got married at the co-Cathedral of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus in the outskirts of Downtown Hawaii. While not the mother church of the Diocese of Honolulu, it is still gorgeous; and it was more than okay for them to get married in, in front of God and their families. "God, I still remember when my dad saw me in my dress; he cried his eyes out and was so nervous." Mario laughed as he heard Bella say that. "He was nervous? Bull, I was nervous. Didn't you hear what he told me at the front of the church?" Bella smiled. "Don't screw up, or I'm coming for you?"

Mario agreed with Bella. "By the way, it's one month in three days." Bella smiled as she heard Mario say that, before taking a breath as she looked at the man she loves; because that got her thinking, about something that she told her boss today. "Can we talk about that?" Mario was confused as he heard his wife say that, as he wasn't sure what she was talking about. "What's going on Bella? You okay?" Bella nodded. "Just something on my mind." Mario agreed with Bella as she said that. "I'll be right there." Bella smiled, ready to talk to her husband; more specifically, about what she told her boss. Because the fact that they've only been married for a month (less than a month at the moment) is making her think whether they really are ready to have a baby yet, or whether they should wait a while. And that was something that they needed to figure out, because they've also been together for a while; and they need to figure out whether they're going to wait, or just go for it. Because at the end of the day, this is a decision that they have to make together.

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