Pre-Supper Family Time

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Before we begin...I want to first apologize for starting so late, but I ended up getting distracted; and then I did some planning. But now, I'm back and ready to start writing for you guys on the day of the Season Finale (with Matt Casey!) God, I am so happy that he's back; and I just hope that, based on where things are going right now...that he's going to stay. Listen, I get that this is going to be happily ever after for all those Brettsey fans. But this has to mean that Jesse's going to stay, right? Maybe they can send Kelly to Oregon? By the way, I need to know what the hell is going on with him; and if Taylor's leaving, then Jesse has to come back. Send Kelly to Oregon! But now, we are not here to discuss the finale (we can do that tomorrow; and in fact, I may even post an entire part dedicated to the finale). But right now, I am going to do what we all want to do. And that's get back to the story. Enjoy my dear readers.

Now this was exactly what Matt and Gabby wanted to be doing right now, cuddling up as a family; with their sons both sitting in their lap while they just relax with them. I mean, what could be better than this? Mama, Papa, Matteo, and Noah; all cuddled up together in bed, as they relax and hold each other close for the first time in forty-eight hours (maybe even sixty hours). Because that's how long the duo have been gone. They went to work on Thursday, spent all of Friday alone at home; and then they spent most of the day alone today, so that has to be close to sixty hours. But now, they were no longer alone; and that was due to the fact that Matt and Gabby were back home, with Matteo and Noah. And the parents could both tell that they were extremely happy as they sat down in bed with them, while also getting some food. More specifically, some baby food; and that was due to the fact that they hoped that they could have them all fed, prior to them going downstairs for a family dinner; which he was actually thinking about inviting Kelly and Stella to. After all, they are basically their brothers and sisters; and they both know that they want to spend more time with them, right now.

And he actually thinks that they are here at the office right now, due to the fact that they had to take care of the work yesterday; and Kelly is also going to be in charge next week, or he was due to the fact that they were thinking of working from him. So, Kelly was going to be here to make sure that things are okay when it comes to Casey Fire; and Stella was going to do the same, but for ELLA. But that's not what Matt needs to think about right now, as he needs to instead think about how he's going to try and talk to Gabby about this; because it's not like he can really just say it out of the blue without confusing Gabby, as that's exactly what would happen if he did decide to do it that way. But still, what do you say he just brings it up. "So, listen, I am just thinking about something right now." Turning her head, Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Oh, and what would that be?" Taking a breath, Matt just looked at his wife. "Listen, I know that we said today is going to be family dinner night." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that. "And then we would also spend time with family after supper." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was their plans.

"Unless you want to change it, and just have it be us and the boys after supper?" Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, because that's not at all what he was thinking about; it was the exact opposite actually, because there was something else that he wanted to do. And that was that he wanted to invite somebody here for supper, which you already know about. "Oh, I am not thinking that way at all. I can promise you that." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, clearly able to see that was the case. "Okay, then what are you talking about baby? Because I'm a bit lost with what you're trying to talk to me about right now." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, smiling as he looked down at Matteo while he started to play with his shirt; at the same time, he bent down and kissed the top of his head. "God, you really need to stop growing Matteo. God, already eight months and you are already so big. Daddy can't handle it." Smiling as she heard Matt say that, Gabby just snickered as she knew that the boys were just going to keep growing. "Get used to the growing Matt, it's not going to stop." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before turning to look at his girl.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now