(176) Noah's Crawling, Part One

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the chapter that I just wrote for you guys, introducing the Jacobs to you. Now, I'm not sure what role the couple is going to play in the story going into the future; but I at least wanted to have them in the story, for when I need them. But now, I'm back with our favorite couple; Matt and Gabby, as they grieve together. But that doesn't mean that they can't go outside.

Casey Kitchen – The moment that Matt learned the news that he and Gabby miscarried, he vowed that he would do everything he possibly could to give her as much of his undivided attention as he possibly could; and thanks to her mom, that's exactly what he has the ability to do as they don't have to take care of the boys right now. And that also means that Matt and Gabby have a chance to do some things that they usually wouldn't be able to do, things that are romantic; but still, not too romantic. After all, they are still grieving for the loss of their baby boy; the baby boy that they're never going to get a chance to meet, but Matt still wants to do something for his wife. And that would include starting a certain week of celebrations, because that's something that's going to make Gabby feel better. But just what are the couple going to celebrate? Well, that would be their anniversary. The anniversary that they are going to be celebrating all week, with Camila's assistance; and as of an hour earlier, Ramon (who just got here from his place).

Walking over to the kitchen this afternoon, Ramon walked in to see his son-in-law standing there while he made him and Gabby some supper; well, more like getting a package out so that he can start supper. And just what might he be making? That would be a lasagna, which is the second part of their supper; as there's something else that they're going to be having first, which is the whole romantic part of this supper. The romantic part would be the thing that Matt decided to make Gabby one of her favorite appetizers, a blueberry pie; and even better, it was made with fresh blueberries that he's bought recently. And let's just say that Ramon was quite impressed with the fact that he was making something special for his daughter, as that's what he expects his son-in-law to do; he expects him to take care of his baby girl and give her exactly what she needs. And he especially likes the fact that he took some time off, because he could tell (based on how Gabby was when he just saw her right now); she was going to need him here, taking care of her.

And that's something that Ramon plans on telling his son-in-law, just as soon as he was in the kitchen with Matt. "I have to say Matthew, I'm quite impressed when it comes to how you're taking care of Gabriela." Turning to look at Ramon, Matt was a bit confused when it comes to why he would even say that; I mean, why wouldn't he take care of his wife...especially when he's grieving. "Ramon, I hate to even think of what you're trying to imply." He then started to get a bit irritated, putting his hand on the counter. "Matt, I didn't mean to imply that..." Matt then proceeded to tell him what he meant to imply. "That I wouldn't take care of my wife, after she miscarried OUR child; while we're BOTH grieving for the second child that we lost together?" Ramon just looked at his son-in-law as he said that, well aware that he was starting to push his buttons; and that's why Camila just came into the kitchen so that she could save Matt from what her idiot of an ex-husband was saying. "Ramon?" Turning around, Ramon just looked at his ex-wife.

"How about you shut your mouth, and go to the living room to take care of our grandsons? And I'll take care of helping Matt." Ramon then went to looked at Camila. "Last time I checked, you aren't my wife anymore Camila." Matt then went to back Camila up. "And whose fault was that? Heck, you think that you're the one that divorced her? Bub, be lucky that she even puts up with you; if I were her, I wouldn't be anywhere near you after what you did to her Ramon. So, shut up and go take care of your grandsons." Ramon was about to say something, but just shut up and went to do what he was told to do; at the same time, Camila turned to look at Matt. "Where did that come from?" Matt snickered. "That time where he lived with us, still hate that time. I blame him for you guys not getting grandkids sooner than you did. I'm positive that we would've at least had one kid, had he not moved in when he did." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I can see that happening. He always ruins things anyways."

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