Family Time, Part 2

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Hi Readers: Sorry for having taken another break, and that the last chapter was a bit shorter than normal. However, I'm back and ready to have some more chapters out for you; and I hope to get them out as fast as I can, so let's not waste time with this note.

Quick Note: This chapter is really short, and you'll find out why at the end.

Walking over to the living room with the glasses of water that he just got for the both of them, Matt smiled as he looked at the most beautiful woman in the world as she sat on the couch and took it easy. After all, that's exactly what she needs to do; especially since that was a condition that the two of them agreed to, prior to them coming downstairs: that she still takes it easy and relaxes while they spend time with their family. And so far, that's exactly what Gabby's done since they came downstairs, which Matt is grateful for, simply because he doesn't want anything else to go wrong for the rest of the pregnancy. They've already dealt with enough drama when it comes to this pregnancy, and they just want to take it easy now, which is actually what they're in the midst of doing right now. They're both breathing, and just relaxing with each other; as well as their family, as they laugh and spend time with each other. At least, that was what Matt was hoping Gabby would be doing; but right now, it just seems like she's taking it easy. And that was okay too, as all that matters was that she was happy at the end of the day; and so far, it seems like that's what she was. Happy.

She was happy, and content as she sat in the living room; waiting for him to come join her and give her the drink that he just poured for her as they prepared to spend some time with their family this evening, while also holding each other close. Just looking at the woman he loves as he walked into the living room, Matt smirked due to the fact that she truly is extremely beautiful; and Matt just feels so blessed to have the ability to call her his wife, and the love of his life (as well as the mother of his children). Because that's the most important role that she has in his life, being the mother of his children; as she's the only woman that he's ever going to want to have children with, which is exactly what's going to happen in the future. But right now, he's going to give Gabby her water; after which, he'll be able to sit down and wrap his arm around Gabby...which is exactly what she wants him to do right now, as it will give her a chance to cuddle up to the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "Here, I got you some water so that you can stay hydrated Gabby." Looking up at Matt, Gabby smiled as that was exactly what she wanted right now. "Thanks baby."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she thanked him for the water, before moving to set his water down on the side table; after which, he went ahead and sat down next to her (while also wrapping his arm around her). After all, that was what Gabby wanted right now; to be held by her husband, as they grieve for their loss. And whether that be with his arms completely around her, which they do when they're in bed; or with his arm around her shoulders, then that's good enough for her. All that matters at the end of the day is that she gets to hold him close, and that she gets to cuddle up to her amazing husband for a bit. Moving her hand to his leg as soon as he was sitting down, Gabby smiled as they both held each other close as it was exactly what she wanted at the moment; she wanted to feel the man she loves hold her close to him, as they cuddle up to one another on the couch. And their family had to say, they look quite adorable as they do it. "So, did Matt do any work today?" Turning his head as he heard Camila ask him said question, Matt bit his lip. "Maybe just a little bit, to distract myself while Gabby took a nap; but it was mostly just e-mails that I had to respond to, keep things moving."

Antonio laughed as he heard Matt say that, before going to make a comment. "More like documents. I mean, he writes long e-mails; and he expects people to follow all of the orders to the letter, I just do it ho...." Turning his head, Matt looked at Antonio; because that most certainly was not what he wanted to hear, especially from his President and Deputy CEO of Casey Police. "What's that Mr. President and DEPUTY CEO?" Matt asked his brother-in-law, putting special emphasis on the word 'deputy' to make Antonio remember that he reports TO him, not the other way around. "Did you just say that you don't follow my orders, the others of your CEO?" Turning her head, Gabby proceeded to grab Matt's hand and intertwined their fingers. "Baby..." Turning his head as he heard Gabby speak to him, Matt soon realized what she was trying to remind him; and that was that he promised her that they wouldn't do business tonight, but instead would concentrate on being a family instead. "Right, sorry babe." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before moving to lay her head down on his shoulder. At the same time, Matt proceeded to kiss the top of her head. "How are you doing Gabby?"

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now