To Celebrate, or Not to Celebrate?

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the confusion when it comes to the last chapter, but I ended up having to do a bit of editing; and I just wanted to make sure that it was formatted correctly, and I'm still not sure whether it was. But hopefully, you guys are okay with it; and we can just continue as I have an idea for this chapter, an idea that I want to write before I forget it. Let me know what you guys think.

Also: I want to let you know that this chapter is a lot shorter, because of the transition that I want to create. But still, I hope you like it.

To say that Gabby was happy to be back in bed with Matt, well that would be a lie...because there are so many mixed emotions that come with her being in bed with Matt right now, and every single time that they've been in bed with each other (during the day) since they learned the news; and that's because most of the time that they've been spending in bed, is really just the both of them grieving for the lost that they suffered. And that's not something that she likes to thing about, not when she wants to (instead) be happy when she's in bed with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. But her being happy right now, just isn't in the cards; because she needs to do this right now, she needs to grieve the loss of their third child. Yet, at the same time...she's trying to be happy for their friends, who just got home from the hospital with their twins today. So, that's a lot to take in, and a lot of emotions that she has to deal with all at once; and she was hoping to be a good mom and spend time with the boys today (as it's the weekend).

But rather, she's here in bed; spending some time alone with Matt, rather than spending time with Matteo and Noah (like she believes she should be). She just hopes that it doesn't make her selfish, wanting this time with Matt; and speaking of Matt, who better to ask when it comes to whether she's being selfish when it relates to her wanting to be alone with him...while they grieve for the loss of their son, which is something that they need to do together anyways. So, that's another thing that's bothering her; how this might not just be something that she wants to do, but it may be something that Matt wants to do as well. So, by asking the question, there's a chance that she risks offending Matt by even asking him his question, but she also knows that Matt won't let her get away with not talking to him about something that she (obviously) has on her mind right now. In fact, Matt just turned to kiss the top of her head; that way, he could get Gabby's attention. And that's exactly what he got, as Gabby soon turned her head to look up at Matt.

Smiling at the woman he loves, Matt ran his fingers up and down her back so that he could (try) and make her feel better; after all, he knows that he won't be able to do it very easily...not when she's in deep mourning for something that they both wanted for the longest time, which is more children. Bending down after looking up at Matt for a moment, Gabby proceeded to kiss his chest; while Matt ran his hand up and down her back, kissing the top of her head at the same time. After all, that was the simplest way for him to show him that he's here for her; and that he's available to talk, whenever she wants to talk to him. Right now, Matt's more than okay with him just holding her close; at the same time, they can relax and just take it easy while they grieve. Because Matt knows that's the real reason for them taking this day alone, so that she could mourn away from the boys. Wrapping his arm around her back as they both held each other close, Matt smiled as he put his hand on her leg; at the same time, he moved his other hand on top of hers.

On top of her hand, which was currently on his chest as she stroked it with her thumb; that way, he could give her a bit of (non-sexual) attention (which Gabby most certainly wants). She wants his full, undivided (non-sexual) attention, as it will allow her to grieve (with his help). And it's already helping, even though it's still hard; especially when their anniversary is Friday, which makes her wonder what's going to happen on that day (in light of the recent turn of events). With them being all sad, should they really celebrate their anniversary, when it's just going to be during this sad time; she just hopes that Matt understands where she's coming from, and is open to having this conversation with her. "Matt?" Turning his head to look down at Gabby, Matt smiled. "Yeah babe?" Turning her head to look up at Matt, Gabby (faked) a smile as she stared into her eyes; at the same time, Gabby decided that she wouldn't bring it up. And that was because it didn't really matter at the end of the day, only they mattered right now. "You know what, never mind."

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