The Caseys Celebrate Three Years, Part Four

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Hi Readers: I want to first apologize for the fact that I have been updating so sporadically recently, but it's mostly due to the fact that I have been getting distracted; and I am not happy that's the case, as it also means that this is going to be my last update for today. However, I also want to say something else before we begin. And that would be that I have changed my mind when it comes to what I am going to do with regards to the other couples, that are original characters. While yes, they are still going to be part of the story; they aren't going to be as involved in the story. I know what I said a couple chapters ago, but I have found myself trying to concentrate too much on those characters; rather than those that I really should be concentrating on, those that exist from the universe. So, that's the change that I have decided to make; that I'm no longer going to follow the Downton Abbey type of story, and I hope you still enjoy my story as it will be much more about people that you already know and love. And that's where we're going right now. Thanks again.

They just spent the past half hour calling some of her models, who all did a great job during the photoshoot; and let's just say that they were all so grateful to get a personal call from Gabby, especially when today is her wedding anniversary. So, they of course also make sure to wish the happy couple a happy third anniversary; and that was definitely something that Matt and Gabby didn't expect, as they actually forgot that people knew when their anniversary was. In fact, they only remembered after they spoke to Jane and Rafael (Solano) who reminded them that they said it on the video call; and that they already wished them a happy third anniversary whilst they watched the photoshoot, and so they did it again. And that was exactly what their employees did, until they had to go take care of their son; because he actually just had a diaper explosion, which made Gabby think of Matteo. And that was why she was currently all cuddled up to Matt, trying not to think about him; not when she should really be thinking about Matt right now. After all, he's her husband; and Matteo is their son, who is currently being taken care of by their family at their penthouse at the office.

The office that was also the venue that they chose for the photoshoot, and she was glad that they chose that venue; and that was solely based on the pictures that they saw from the photoshoot, who were shot expertly by their photographer Simon Jacobs. Simon being the Chief Photographer for ELLA Creations, and the wife of Ana Jacobs (one of ELLA's models). And let's just say that she always has the best pictures, and she already knows why; not that she doesn't understand why that's the case. I mean, of course they're going to have some of the best pictures simply because they're married. And that's why she's okay with Simon doing that, just as long as he also takes high quality pictures of other models, which he does, and he says that he shares them with their husbands. And she can only imagine just how much said models enjoy looking at those pictures, because she knows that Matt loves to look at pictures of her naked; or at least very scantily clad, like when she sends pictures of him wearing lingerie. Not that it happens all that often, due to the fact that she's currently pregnant (for the final time) with the girls; and Matt is okay with that, as he gets to do this.

He gets to cuddle up to the woman he loves, while running his hand up and down her back; at the same time, he has his hand on top of Andy's head as he slept in their bed right now. Because that's what Andy does during the day, he sleeps; and sometimes, he does that when Matt's in the office (either here at home or at the corporate headquarters), because Andy does need to stay close to Matt all the time (just in case something happens). And so far, nothing has ever happened at work; but that doesn't mean that they want to take the risk, because they don't. They would rather be safe than sorry and have Matt deal with some PTSD; while Andy's away from him, and at home. And that's why Gabby's okay with him being in bed with them too, because it keeps Matt calm; and it also means that she has a great chance to cuddle up to the man she loves, which is exactly what she's in the midst of doing right now. And let's just say that Matt likes that too, because of what Gabby is wearing for him; if you forgot, Gabby is currently in the midst of wearing some (tight) maternity lingerie for him on their anniversary. And god, is it sexy...especially since he learned where it's from.

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