Homecoming: Leaving the Hospital, Part 2

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Walking out of the hospital with the woman he loves, as well as their beautiful children and Max; Jay smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that they both want to do right now. He wants to take Alex, Michael, and Olivia home; and he wants to just hold them all close to him, which Alex wants to do as well. And that's why she's currently in the midst of wrapping her arms around his bicep right now. She's running her hand up and down his arm and just holding him close, because that's what they both want to do; they want to hold each other close, and they just want to relax with each other. I mean, what's better than the feeling of the man she loves holding her close to him; while also pushing their children's stroller as they got ready to go home for the first time, because that's what he wants to do. He wants to go home with his family, and he wants to spend some time with his beautiful family. "I am so glad that we aren't going to the condo, because I do not want to be cramped with the kids." Jay agreed and laughed a bit.

After all, he knew that was the case; and he was more than happy over the fact that he was going to be taking Alex to the real place that she wants to be right now. And that's to their new home, the home where they're going to be spending a bunch of time with the kids. "You are going to be so happy at the place, and I am just ready to do everything that I want to do with you there." Turning her head as they continued to make their way to the truck, Alex was confused. "What do you mean Jay?" Jay smiled as he looked at the woman he loves, before proceeding to kiss her hand. "It's our first time decorating a house for Christmas a husband and wife, and as parents." Smiling as she heard Jay say that, Alex couldn't help but feel extremely happy right now. Just laying her head down on his arm again, Alex smirked due to the fact that it's something that they are both really happy. "Let's take it easy and not decorate too much, because I want to just relax with you and the boys." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as that was what he wanted too.

He wanted to relax with his family, and just hold Alex close to him. "Oh, I am so ready to just take it easy with you as we relax; because we are going to do just that, since that's what you need to do." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, smiling due to the fact that she's ready to do just that; however, there's something else that they have to do. "I want to take it easy with you, and I want to feel you kiss me in bed for a while." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as he wants to do the same thing; after all, they are going to be alone, and they are going to have some fun with each other. "Oh, I am going to definitely do that." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, smirking due to the fact that this is everything that they both want. But right now, she just wants to get home; and she wants to spend some time in bed. "Let's just get in the car with the twins, and we can both get in." Jay smiled as he walked up to their truck with Max. "Here, I need to go put Max in the back first; and then lock him in the crate. Then we can put the kids in." Alex agreed with Jay.

Wrapping his arm around Alex's back as they walked up to the truck, Jay smiled as he tugged her body against his; after which, he kissed the side of her head and just smiled due to the fact that it's everything that they're both extremely happy with each other right now. It's just what they need, and they need to hold each other close. And let's just say that they're both ready to do just that. Giving Alex the stroller, Jay then looked at Max and smiled as he went to grab the leach. "C'mon Max, let's get you in the truck; then we can get out of here." Max agreed with Jay as he said that, before walking with him so that he can get in the truck with him. "Hey, Jay?" Turning to look at Alex, Jay smiled. "Yeah?" Alex then looked down at the bottom of the stroller. "How about you take all of his things and put them in there too?" Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smiling as he went to go grab Max's bed and the bag of things. He then got close to Alex again, and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves softly. "God, I love you so much." Alex agreed.

"I love you too Jay." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before moving to bring Max into the back of truck; after all, that's where he needs to be. More specifically, he needs to be in his crate. Unlocking the truck, Jay then brought Max with him so that he can put him in his crate. "C'mon Max, let's get in the truck." Max barked, agreeing with Jay as he said that; that way, he can get in the truck with his owner. After which, he smiled as he watched Jay open the door. Jay then went ahead and opened his crate, that way Max can get in. But first, he decided to put his bed down so that he was comfortable. "Okay, get in Max." Max then jumped up and went to get in the truck, while Jay also went to go set his things on top of his crate. Max then went to get in, smiling as he went to lay down in his bed; after all, that's exactly what he wants to do. He wants to lay down in his crate and relax. And now that he was doing just that, he was currently in the midst of cuddling up to his toys too; after which, Jay set his leach down and then closed the crate door.

Once that was done, Jay smiled as he walked back over to his wife and kids so that he can get his family in the truck. "Here, I am going to take the kids and put them in the truck now." Alex smiled. "Okay, I am going to help you with this okay? I'm going to help you put them in the truck, then we can get out of here faster; and I have something that I want to wear for you, and you're only going to get it if you behave and let me do what I want to do." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smiling at her. "Of course." Going to grab Olivia's car seat, Alex smiled as she proceeded to carry her towards where she's going to go relax while they drive their family home; at the same time, Jay went to grab Michael's car seat and did the same. And let's just say that he was so happy that he's in the midst of doing this, which is why they are both all smiles right now; they want to be home with their family, and that's exactly what they're on their way home to do. They want to go home, and they just want to take it easy with each other, which they're going to do.

Going to set Michael down in his car seat, Jay smiled due to the fact that this really is everything he wants; after which, he smiled as he locked the car seat into where it's going to be. Afterwards, he smiled as he reached in and then went to go rub his cheek. "Yeah, someone's ready to go home with mommy and daddy; aren't they Michael?" Looking across the truck from where she was putting Olivia in the truck, Alex couldn't help but smile as it really was everything that she wanted in life; and god, that smile that her husband gives to their children is so damn adorable. And she's just glad that he's the father of their children, and that he will be her husband for the rest of her life. After which, Jay smiled as he looked up at his beautiful wife. "I can see that you're happy right now." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, as that most definitely is the case. "Oh, we both know that's the case; and I am so ready to be home with you and the kids." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before smiling as she looked at him (and Max in his crate). "You stay quiet boy."

Looking up, Max listened to Alex. "I am not going to be a very happy woman if you wake the kids up." Jay laughed as he heard Alex say that, well aware that was the case. "I'm sure that he's going to stay quiet, because he doesn't want you to be mad at him; and he also doesn't want to ruin my chances in bed." Looking up at the man she loves, Alex agreed with Jay as he said that; after all, that most definitely is something that she wants as well. She wants to take things slow with her husband in bed, and they want to relax with each other in bed. "I am so ready to have you in bed." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that's the case. "I know, me too; now listen, can you please just pack the rest of the things? I want to head home." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that. "How about you get in the truck then? And I'll do that for you, then we can go home." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that's something that he has to do; and god, she is just so ready to be home again. It's exactly what they both need to do with each other.

At the same time, Jay proceeded to go bring the stroller to the back of the truck; that way, he can put it in there and just make their way home. And god, Jay really can't wait to be home with his family.

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