Cozy Cuddles and Conversations (2)

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Taking a breath as Matt asked her whether she ready for the possibility of having to do another (early) pre-term delivery, Gabby just tried to think about it. She's just glad that she was doing it with Matt by her side because this was a hard topic to think about; but that didn't mean that she didn't know that she had to think about it. She obviously has to think about it because it's a real possibility. The possibility of the two of them to deal with another pre-term birth is the truth, and not just because due to the fact that they're having another set of twins. She already knew that she was going to have to give birth earlier than normal, because they're having twin girls. But with them getting pregnant back-to-back, that increases the odds so much more; and she wasn't going to lie when she said that it scared her, and it really makes her wonder whether they did the right thing. Whether this was right to do so soon. But then again, she knew that this was going to be something that they would have to deal with; as they knew it would happen someday, she knew it.

I mean, they're always all over each other; and they pretty much get pregnant quite easily, which is exactly what happened with the girls. But now, the idea of them having to do the same thing that they had to do for the boys; but this time, it would be for their girls. Well, that was scaring her a bit; and Matt could tell that was the case, which was the reason why he actually brought it up now. He brought it up now, as they were all cuddled up to each other in bed; and just holding each other close, where they can talk to each other. But at the same time, Matt can't help but wonder whether he screwed up; and whether he should've have brought up this conversation yet whatsoever. "I think I might have jumped the gun when it came to me asking you to talk about this." Gabby shook her head as Matt mentioned that it might have been a bit too premature for him to ask her this question, because it wasn't as she needs to think about it, and she needs to be mentally prepared for it to happen. "No, you didn't baby. I promise." Looking down, Matt sighed.

"You sure?" Gabby nodded as she turned her head and looked up at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "Baby, you made the right decision. We need to talk about this, because we need to be ready for this possibility, the possibility of another early delivery, with our girls. And that just increases because I was supposed to have triplets, which makes me wonder whether we really need to give birth on the triplet timeline." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that most definitely may be the truth; she may, in fact, have to give birth on that timeline (rather than the twin timeline). "Yeah, I guess we need to talk to our doctor about that; whether we need to give birth at 35-36 weeks or 32-33 weeks like last time." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before laying her head down on his chest again; after which, she started to listened to his heart. "At least we have experience about it." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving his hand to her back and moving to stroke it with his thumb.

"Not that I want you to have this experience, because this is not a good experience to have." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as she feels the same way; especially when it comes to Matt, as she wants Matt to have the best possible experience of fatherhood. And she most definitely does know that this is not the best part, because she has to give birth prematurely again. "Listen, we can't really think about it again; we need to just take it easy and know that we're going to be okay at the end of the day. I'm going to be okay because I have you here with me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, smiling as that was something that he really liked the idea of. The fact that he was going to be here with her every step of the way, because that's already something that she can count on; that he's going to be there every step of the way, and he's going to be there in the hospital while she recovers from giving birth to the girls. "And I'm going to be there the entire time that you're in the hospital recovering from giving birth." Gabby agreed with Matt.

"Well, I would hope you would be. I mean, they are your girls." Matt smiled as he ran his hand up and down her back, while also kissing Gabby's forehead; after which, he looked down at her and bent down so that he could kiss her softly. And let's just say that was exactly what Gabby wanted him to do right now. She wanted to feel the man she loves kiss her, as they hold each other close. "God, I love you so much; and I am so glad that you just kissed me. Because it's the best feeling in the entire world. "God, I love kissing you so much." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, feeling the same way. "And I know why that's the case, because you love me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that because that will always be the case. "I mean, what man doesn't love his wife; and also loves getting sexy kisses from the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world?" Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before running her hand down his chest as they continue to cuddle up to each other in bed. "God, I am so glad we're alone today."

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now