Breakfast for Two, and a Snack for One

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter that I posted for you guys? I hope that you guys liked it and are ready for some more chapters today. Thanks again for reading, and let's get onto the next chapter. Here's Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Nine.

He just spent the past twenty minutes making a nice breakfast for him and Gabby, as well as a quick snack for Natalie; just because he isn't her husband, that doesn't mean that he can't help his friend. But there's also another reason why he made her a snack, and that was due to the fact that he wanted to sit up here for a while; he wants to sit up on the top deck for a while, as they need to get a bit of fresh hair. They need some, just as much as Andy needs a bit of water, which is exactly what Matt just finished doing for his service dog and was now carrying the water bowl back to the are where Andy was having a bit of fun, rather than keeping it by the tap where he can just drink water much easier. But still, that doesn't mean that they can't just keep him hydrated; especially when they're up here on the top deck, because it's so hot up here when they live in Hawaii. And that's why they're not going to stay up here that long after they have breakfast, because they need to make sure that Gabby gets enough rest; and just like Andy, she needs to stay hydrated.

And that's something that they're going to do for the entire day, while also having fun with each other; because Matt has no plans to work today, not when his wife needs him right now. "So, Gabby says that you don't plan on working today." Setting the bowl of water that Matt just got for Andy, he smiled as he proceeded to put his hand on his head; after which, he rubbed it and just smiled at his man's best friend (and the dog who helps him with his PTSD). However, he isn't the only one that helps him with his PTSD; because Gabby most definitely does help him too, more than anybody in the entire world. She understands him, and his PTSD in a way that allows her to take care of him in the way that he needs to. "No, I don't plan on working today; because Gabby needs me to take care of her, and I just need to relax and take it easy. We both have something to deal with." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; after which, Matt made his way over to Gabby so that he can sit down with her (and hold her close).

Grabbing his coffee as soon as he sat down, Matt smiled as he brought it close to his lips and then proceeded to take a sip; after which, he turned his head and smiled at the woman he loves. "I hope you know that you can always tell me whether it doesn't smell good, because I don't want you to gag while you're here with me." Gabby shook her head as she heard Matt say that, as that was not what she wanted him to worry about; rather, she was more than okay with the smell that came out of his coffee. "Baby, I'm fine. And the smell of coffee doesn't bother me as much anymore, especially not when both you and my mother drink it on a regular basis." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head and kissing the side of her head. "So, what did you guys talk about while I was downstairs making breakfast?" Natalie smiled as she proceeded to grab the snack that Matt made for her, a nice bagel. "By the way, thanks for the bagel; I'm sure that Will is going to really appreciate the fact that you made me a snack, since I'm pregnant."

Matt agreed with Natalie as she said that, well aware that was the case. "If I were in Will's place, I would hope that he would've done the same for Gabby." Matt then turned to look at his beautiful wife, smiling at the most beautiful woman in the entire world. "Is the food good? If you need something else, I can go make you something else." Gabby shook her head as Matt asked her whether she wanted him to make something else, as that most definitely isn't what she wanted; rather, she just wanted him to relax and stay here. She wants her loving husband to stay here, and she wants him to spend time with her and their friend; after all, they are going to go inside after they're done breakfast. "No, I want to stay here as I eat my eggs, bacon and toast." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aw are that was the case. "I can only assume that's because you like being with Natalie, so that you can talk to her right now?" Gabby smiled as she looked at the man she loves. "And because I want to get a bit of sunshine right now." Matt agreed.

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