Nighttime Cuddles

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Hi Readers: I know I wrote this in last chapter, and I regret doing that now; as it really should've been put in this chapter, as it's the first chapter that I'm posting today. So, I am just going to summarize. (1) Not a fan of Brettsey, he deserves to be with Gabby. And if you want that, read my story to see the life Matt deserves. (2) I have a feeling that Christian Stolte is leaving, meaning Matt has to come back. (And we need Jesse in the premiere for the answer). Does this mean I'm done with the show? Of course not, I still like the show. Plus, I want to see whether Violet finally moves on from Hawkins; more specifically, with Carver. I think they'd be cute together. But other than this note, I have nothing else to say. I hope you continue to enjoy the story, as I am here for it. Enjoy my dear readers.

The time that Matt and Gabby just spent in the bath with each other was absolutely perfect, simply because it was time where Matt and Gabby got to cuddle up to each other; while also taking a nice bath and running their hands all over their wet bodies. And that was always something that they both enjoyed, both tonight...and every night to be completely honest with each other. But now, they were out of the bath; and they were on their way to bed with each other, just after Matt helps Gabby with some of her lingerie. Lingerie that she should've asked for help with, prior to her walking out of the bathroom wearing her little robe; but now, Matt was out of the washroom and just wearing his boxers...which is something that Gabby is going to enjoy, because she always enjoys it when he's wearing his tight boxers. Not that Matt wears anything other than tight boxers, because he knows what his wife wants; and he's all for giving his beautiful wife what she wants. And that's why he was currently wearing these tight boxers, especially since he wants her.

Well, not in that way; he just wants to hold his wife in his arms, and he wants to make sure that they both have fun with each other. But at the same time, Matt wants to make sure that his wife was comfortable. And he most certainly knows that Gabby is comfortable in this lingerie because it's lingerie that she loves to wear for him, which also means that Matt loves it, because it means that she's comfortable. But for now, it's just time for Matt to stop dreaming about touching his beautiful wife in this lingerie; and it's time for Matt to start touching his wife, shortly after offering Gabby for him to help her. "Need some help?" Looking up at Matt as he asked her whether she needs some help, Gabby smiled due to the fact that she most definitely needs some help from her husband. "My savior." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, before getting close to the woman he loves; after which, he proceeded to walk up behind his wife and just smiled due to the fact that this is exactly what they both want right now. They want her in lingerie, in bed together.

But first, they want to spend a bit of time with the boys; just as soon as Gabby was completely dressed. "So, listen, I want to talk to you about our plans for tonight..." Moving his hands to Gabby's sides as he stepped being her, Matt smirked as he bent down and then proceeded to kiss her neck softly. "Because I most certainly do expect a bit of attention, as you just wear this lingerie for me." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, before watching as he proceeded to grab the ribbons on her lingerie. "Last time I checked, you told me that you didn't want to wear this type of lingerie anymore." Looking up in the mirror, Gabby thought that she just heard her husband complain that she was wearing lingerie for him. "Sorry, but did I just hear my husband complain that I'm wearing lingerie for him?" Matt shook his head as Gabby asked him whether he was complaining that she was wearing lingerie. "Oh, I am not complaining that you're wearing lingerie for me..." Finishing up with doing up the lingerie, Matt proceeded to push on Gabby's side.

That way, he could give her the message that he wants her to turn around; and that's exactly what Gabby did, as she was now facing him. Stepping close to the woman he loves, Matt smirked due to the fact that he was really happy right now. God, his wife is so damn sexy, and he's so happy over the fact that this is what the both of them are doing right now; they're holding each other close, as Gabby wears nothing but some sexy lingerie...which he loves. Moving his hands to Gabby's sides, Matt smiled as he decided to pick her up in his arms and set her down on the counter. Stepping close to his beautiful wife, Matt smiled as he stared into her eyes; at the same time, Gabby wrapped her arm around his neck and put her hand on his chest. "So, do you need to talk to me more about what happened between you, Antonio, and your dad? Or do you just want to concentrate on us right now?" Taking a breath, Gabby sighed as she didn't know whether she wanted to talk about that; when they are just taking time alone, with their children.

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